Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 01, 2009 12:01PM John, Sooo glad you are feeling a bit better!
Have you tried celery juice? When I was pregnant I had low amniotic fluid and my midwives told me to drink lots of celery juice because it is 4x as hydrating as water (not sure how accurate that is)..but it did help alot. Missing Cali, it is getting cold here in NJ! Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 01, 2009 02:22PM Whoa that's an awesome suggestion because it would also help to replace e-lytes, when my tummy can handle it !! =) ***************************** "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." —Thomas Jefferson Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 22, 2009 03:48AM Bryan,
My partners father has cancer, and he is definately at risk of getting swine flu with major symptoms. He is getting conventional chemotherapy, which I understand compromises the immune system. Any words of wisdom? Its very painful to watch, and I haven't suggested any lifestyle changes largely for fear that they would be misunderstood. I am also not qualified by conventional standards to make suggestions that sound like medical advice. I am very fearful of that, I don't really want to assume responsibility for him on any level. Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 22, 2009 03:59AM For someone deep in a western medicine procedure, doing the "raw" or "natural hygiene" style healing may not make any sense, since the diet is basically SAD and the body is under heavy medication.
What does help is to keep up the spirits of the sick and to share love with them. Its more the mental and spiritual health of the patient that can bring a person back to health as opposed to the machinations of the medical profession. If a person has a reason to live, they will most often find a way to make it happen. Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 22, 2009 04:21AM Bryan,
Thank you for your thoughts. I did my best to accept his choices, and love him, which is sometimes difficult because hes not often in the best mood with such a serious illness. Hes very generous, giving and a good person, just ill. You bring up a very good point, he think he has reasons to live, mostly for caring for other family members. I hope that is enough. Hes in his mid 80's. I think hes lived a great life up until the last three years. I was hoping that he would at least see another decade, which could happen. Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: November 25, 2009 05:47AM swimmer, I'm glad you are feeling better! I miss playing Catan with you! Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 25, 2009 12:58PM Your body is telling you to fast [water only and no food at all]. Depending on your physical condition that may or may not be possible.
I am presently reading Dr. Fuhrman's book, Fasting And Eating For Health. [I purchased it at Amazin.com.] Of course most doctors will not accept this as a viable treatment. Fasting for more than a few days should be done under a doctor's supervision so that blood pressure and electrolyte levels can be monitored. Blood tests are recommended before going on an extensive fast to determine whether or not it is recommended in your case. Dehydration is a valid concern especially if you are vomiting. some people can not fast due to a medical condition but this is rare. If you can't fast, an alternative that I would try if I were in your shoes would be taking high doses of a product called Iodoral along with colodial silver and vitamin C. See this link [curezone.com] Before taking gatorade as an alternative I would drink plenty of water and add at least ⅛ and no more than ¼ teaspoon of unrefined sea salt to every pint of water I drink. When they give you an IV to rehydrate you it contains 1 quart of water with 1 teaspoon of table salt. I also believe that trace elements are very important. Health practitioners listed here will supervise fasting [www.iahp.net] Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2009 04:14AM Scubasteve,
Whats the purpose in suggesting Iodoral along with colodial silver? Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: December 01, 2009 03:19AM Oh swimmer! Hi, I do hope you're feeling even better these days - your last post was in Oct. It's been a long time - as always, I'm glad to see you around.
Young coconuts - yumm! Wheatgrass-it does this body good! Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: December 01, 2009 04:08PM I just recently took some sea minerals infused with a bunch of herbs that knocked out my flu. It's supposed to combat the swine flu too. I know so many people getting the vaccination which scares me as I'm reading about some bad side effects. Has anyone had the vaccine? Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: December 02, 2009 02:20AM greathealth,
I had a vaccine for flu season a year ago. This time around, I said no. I don't think the medical establishment is fully informed about the flu. What sea minerals and herbs did you use? Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
Date: December 16, 2009 02:10PM Mislu,
I took sea minerals infused with herbs. It's called Superblend and I got it from www.NaturesApproved.com. If you read the article on the website it's amazing the health benefits from minerals. I am researching more about minerals and learning how mineral deficient we are in this country. I took this stuff and the next morning it wiped out most of my flu sypmtoms. I couldn't believe it. It was better than Airbourne,which I used to swear by. Let me know if you try it. I'd like to see if it helped you too Re: H1N1 (swine flu) HELP
Posted by:
banana who
Date: December 18, 2009 12:02AM Personally, I would consume oranges and take lemons in distilled water, with possibly a little raw honey if you use it. I had the flu earlier this season and they have been saying that most of the flus have been H1N1. But in any case, the difference between colds and flus is respiratory issues in the latter. And what causes this? Too much mucus! So lemons are a great cutter-downer of mucus. I also believe that hot peppers would help immensely. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.