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Results 181 - 210 of 210
16 years ago
MMMEEEEE! I eat them mostly for taste. I like to sprinkle dulse on salads occasionally, and also love munching on nori sheets. It satisfies that craving for crunch (and to-go food) and salt. And I suppose I also try to eat as much variety as possible, so I'm not missing out on any nutrients. I actually haven't eaten any in a while, so your post reminded me of an old favorite!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I didn't find any of your posts offensive.. I agree totally with your statements above - that being too positive is not reality and that it causes people to turn a blind eye to the suffering around them. If you think about it, it's the so-called "negative" experiences that really clarify our souls. So yeah - you will be missed. I love reading your posts and wish you the best in life
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
At first I got inspired because I went to college for a year and got turned on to the ethics of eating vegan (such as solving world hunger).... then I saw a show on raw food on the local cable TV show and thought - wow this makes sense!! But then I realized how hard it was (and expensive, compared to my top ramen/Cinnabon diet (worked there for 7 years and got em for free)! Now here I am ten ye
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Update - I've noticed one thing - usually the darkest time is always right before dawn when it comes to some sort of cleansing reaction! The body truly knows what's best! Right around the time I consider using some big gun pharmaceutical or going to the dr. the next day is usually better... looks to be the same with my son! Joseph seemed to be doing better, but then got REALLY REALLY cra
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
drHall - OMG. I LOVE this!! I can't wait to try and build one. How much would you say, approximately, it cost you to build this? It's gotta be cheaper than an excallibur!! I really don't want to fork out the $$ for an excallibur but I need a better dehydrator than my American Snack Master round dehydrator. How do you think it compares to the excallibur, if you've ever had one? Another thin
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hello everyone! I was just going to post this question, but Rawfrancois you beat me to it! heehee. I love learning about what people do for work. I have done all kinds of jobs myself - coffee shop, bakery, office grunt, 6-week unpaid (unless you count $200/mo. in food stamps) maternity leave, stay-at-home-mom, housecleaner, pet sitter/dog walker, worked at WIC... the biggest stuff though has
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I had this problem too, when I was 100% raw. I had NO idea what caused it. I'm only about 50%-75% raw now, depending on the day. But one thing I did notice is... have you ever heard of the Cleanse and Purify Thyself cleanse? It involves taking bentonite (sp) clay mixed with psyllium husks in water, alternating with herbal pills (nutritive stuff) every hour and 30 minutes, and 0-2 raw meals a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Coco- His diet consists of soy formula. He has tried a few solids like bananas, apples (in food processor), avocado, apple juice (in juicer), grapes and grape juice in food processor/juicer, lemon juice in water . He really doesn't like any solids and mildly will tolerate drinking the apple juice but screams fanatically about 20 min. afterward for a "real" bottle. Same thing with wat
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
ooh! Recipe please!!! (For the raw gingerbread cookies!)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I totally agree with David's statement. Find something you are passionate about and DO it. For me the catalyst was diabetes and wanting to feel better in my next pregnancy. Being totally incapacitated to the point where I needed others to help me in my daily life functioning was NOT acceptable to me! I watch my relatives take their meds (for diabetes) and the symptoms get visibly worse every
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I second what ksmanthey is saying. Everyone in my house had "the hack" for about 2 months. After about a month of lemon juice/raw honey (try it a little warm!), breathing hot steam in the shower, garlic, ginger, cayenne, etc. it seems to have subsided, but the whole time there was a lot of mucus coming out. Vigorous excercise will help too - for some reason light running makes my lun
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
This makes me miss living in Southern California. Now I live in Spokane Wa where the price of a Cherimoya is $5! And no durian or asian markets with produce or nuthin!! Mauigreg - are you in Hawaii? I wonder if a Miracle Berry would grow here....
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hello all! If anyone has experience with babies, it would be appreciated! My son is 8 months old and has been struggling with chest gunk. We took him to the doctor, who perscribed amoxcicillin. I really don't want to give it to him, being that he's not breastfed (horrible hospital story - completely disregarded my wishes to breastfeed and never could get him off the bottle), and he is unv
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
An update - I tried most of the suggestions, especially Prism's with the drinks and baths and breathing hot steam and whatnot - and it seems to have passed, although I didn't hack anything up. Call me weird, but it's strangely satisfying to cough up huge green chunks of mucus that you know have been in there forever. LOL I remember doing that once! I'm wondering if it was actually a dislo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Is it really all about discipline? I mean, maybe your body really needs the calories or nutrients - probably the latter. I'd say not night eating is a goal to shoot for after you've been raw for a while - not something to do in the first couple of years. I've heard the key to getting over night eating is green drinks. If you tend at all toward diabetes, I know I've found eating more fruit is
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
fmsing40, Congradulations! That is great to hear!! You must feel ecstatic!!!! I didn't know it but I had pre-type 2 diabetes for probably 10 years and I just needed to eat more raw greens - blend up a few bunches each day, and been drinking alfalfa/red raspberry leaf/hibiscuis tea religiously. What a difference. The greens totally take away cravings for naughty stuff like chocolate and mil
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hey there Daisyduke, Sorry too, to hear about your parents...all that stress in one month! I can't even imagine. That is horrbile. As far as a OJ fast, I used to do a lot of fresh raw orange juice - that was pretty much my breakfast for two years, along with some banana and apple. Then when I did the Cleanse and Purify Thyself cleanse I really got into the OJ and I developed a dark itchy s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Thanks everyone for your input. I think I will keep buying them, and it is good, Lillian, to know that the blueberries are not blanched. And yes, if it weren't for that I would be eating something cooked instead! We still have no Trader Joe's here.... but maybe hopefully someday!! -Angie
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Sweet! I always wondered if a Bobaca Papaya tree would grow here indoors.... a nursery around here sells them for that purpose. I LOVE all the fruits you mentioned!!!! MMMM! Here in the Inland Northwest - Spokane WA to be exact - we can grow things like blueberries (holes are dug for next years big purchase!), Nanking cherries, tree cherries, apples, and pears... that's what I put in this yea
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I have been sick with minor cold stuff on and off for the last two or three months, but after finishing one relatively long coughing deal (like two whole months of it) I got better for three days, and now I have this achiness ALL over in my bones and joints. Most worrisome is that it hurts to breathe - like there is something down deep in my lungs. It's not my kidneys or a UTI (but drank 8 oz.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Just a quick question. Are individually quick frozen fruits (IQF), such as strawberries, blueberries, plumbs, cherries, mangoes, etc. considered a raw food? These are picked and frozen shortly thereafter, and it says it retains a large ammt. of the vitamins. They have these kind of fruits at Wal-Mart in big bags, and also this is the kind of fruit they use at Jamba Juice. So if I go to Jamba
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I love this thread! I love the fallen fruit website too, and I will be making a map for Spokane, Wa. Now these are my kinda folk! Angie
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
16 years ago
You should have some good luck growing greens. The greens were the only thing that survived the first year in my garden!! We're in the hardiness zone 5-6... Spokane, WA... had great luck with spinach (soak the seeds overnight - they will germinate faster!), Tom Thumb lettuce, and Red Leaf lettuce.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
16 years ago
I'm not even going to try and be computer savvy.... just go to my myspace page - there you will see hundreds of pictures of me and my fam! Enjoy! PS - I'm Angie, and I'm new around here. Not new to the raw food community - I've been kinda raw in the past, but just trying to get started again.
Forum: Meeting Place
16 years ago
Spokane, WA! Any other Spokanites out there?!?! -Angie
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I am trying really hard to follow as much of a raw diet as possible, but I have trouble with all the sugars - for some odd reason I have been CRAVING like MAD to drink red raspberry, alfalfa, and hibiscus tea, so I've been drinking it 3-4 times a day. Using Frontier brand herbs in a home-made tea bag. I have noticed this satisfies my food cravings, and I have been eating less and less cooked fo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hello all you gardeners. I haven't got money to go out and collect and buy composting materials, so I am trying to use what I can haul up from around the neighborhood. So far this is what I've found - TONS of watercress from the nearby creek. Have an organic lawn care business dumping leaf and grass mixture in my back yard. Occasional horse and bird manure from the animal hoarders next door
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
16 years ago
I know these posts are pretty old, but I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. We have three 6x6x2 1/2 foot raised beds (main objective was to use pannels left over from a shed we took down so the wood wouldn't be wasted!) Actually the dirt stays well inside the box, and it keeps the chickens and ducks out. It also defines the space as being separate from the yard so kids/dogs don't tromp through i
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
16 years ago
Hey now, come on folks. Haven't you read Victoria Boutenko's book about greens? A lot of people cannot digest greens and really benefit from a blender. My digestion is also horrible, and I feel for people who cannot afford a blender... one of the Twelve Steps to Raw Food in Victoria Boutenko's other book is obtaining the correct equipment, if I remember. More people can have success at this d
Forum: Classifieds for individuals
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