Results 5221 - 5250 of 5345
14 years ago
banana who
<What kind of food are bitters?>
Have you ever had raddichio? It's a purplish-white leafy veggie and it is BITTER! But it makes me feel good and if you mix it with a sweeter leaf like romaine lettuce or Swiss chard, then it's great. Add some carrots or shredded beets for even more sweetness to balance, if you wish. Other bitters include dandelion greens and I think endive is pretty bitte
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Dayum...that's a lot of lemon juice! 1 and a half cups?! <<pucker>>
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 14 years ago
banana who
The algae, for sure! They are plants and just for the chlorophyll alone they would rawk, but then there's all the trace minerals and protein, vitamin B12...
I have always wondered about maca... having worked in a health store and always seeing it as a supplement, I recently found out that it's a root veggie and is considered adaptogenic. Why maca and not carrots? Perhaps because carrots are hy
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Hi all-
For the second time in a week I have had a dismal failure regarding making nut and seed butters. The first time I used unhulled sesame seeds. Used my new Omega 8006, which claims to be able to make them (they say you sometimes have to add oil, which I did). It turned into MEAL. I thought it might have had to do with the seeds being unhulled. Today, after soaking organic RAW almonds and
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 14 years ago
banana who
Duh! LOL--of course! We are women so we are supposed to be in the kitchen!
Now obviously I am joking but I think it's common (at least in my case) to do the majority of the cooking. Rarely in all the years we have been together has my partner cooked for me. But what I do like is that I control what is in our frige, since I do the shopping. If my guy was to take charge, we would butt heads. I t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
la_veronique Wrote:
> i don't understand the question
> even if the person meant "emaciated"
> what does an individual care if another person
> looks "emaciated" on a particular diet
> i don't care
> i only care about myself
> other people's appearance i
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
This is such a great and important question and one which I have struggled with, even if not regarding 100% raw items. I mean, even if one wishes to eat relatively health cooked food, it's hard to ascertain this in a restaurant without looking totally anal. And not like I really care what others think of me all that much, but I also don't wish to be a pain in the butt to the poor waiter/tress. I
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
flipperjan Wrote:
> powerlifer - I'm not sure that the restaurants in
> Britain are as keen to please. as they seem to be
> in the States. Maybe they are in more
> cosmipolitan areas but down here you are a
> complete freak if you don't like a bloody steak.
> Ask for salad and you will get some limp iceburg
> d
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Hi Kollie-
That would make me feel a little better for the amount of money I paid!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Thanks, Pakd4fun, I am looking for a reason to justify buying a dehydrator. I don't know if I'd be making flax crackers all that often...I would make gRAWnola, though. And seasoned nuts, if they had a bit of a roasted flavor to them.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 14 years ago
banana who
5231. Re: which seaweeds
It's funny you should ask because I just went to a huge Asian supermarket last week and they had aisles of seaweed! I bought a ginormous bag of wakame, which I had never tried before. I ate it straight from the package as a snack, and then the next day I made a salad with it and chopped cabbage and cuke. I don't know specific brands in the UK but in the USA I buy Maine Coast brand at the health s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Thank you! Yeah, like me! One born every minute...Oh well, I'm taking it back. Thanks again for that info. I suspected as much.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Oh, and apologies for that convoluted title. LOL--I'm getting a little punchy, I guess. Yikes!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
I was at the health store today and bought organic cacao powder. I didn't think to see if it was raw. There was nothing on the label that said 'raw,' so it's obviously not. I Googled 'cacao' and they redirected to 'cocoa.' So it sounds to me that cacao is nothing but cocoa powder with the prices jacked up! If someone knows anything more about this, please let me know. I think I'm going to return
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Tiloo: You should be able to juice wheatgrass quite well in the Omega 8006! Have you ever juiced parsley? I am constantly amazed how well it handles greens. I would imagine you'd be very successful with wheatgrass.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 14 years ago
banana who
5236. Re: bad digestion
Hey Jeni-
What about coconut water from a young coconut? Wouldn't that stuff from the plastic bottle be pasteurized? As for price, I live in the Chicago area and young coconuts have been priced between .79 (a real steal) and $1.99. The latter was from Whole Foods (figures) but is in line with another produce store I frequent. In any case, I have gotten as much as 12 oz. from a young coconut (m
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
5237. Re: bad digestion
I am really surprised that Cousens would okay xylitol; are you sure it wasn't stevia? Xylitol is a sugar alchohol and one of the side effects of eating too much (which is a vague phrase) is diarrhea. I remember eating sugar-free candy and running to the john as a result.
I think if you tried to ferment some cabbage and made sauerkraut, your digestion would improve. It couldn't hurt to try...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Thank you, Boysenberry, I was wondering the same thing. It must be nice to be able to afford a $600 juicer. Perhaps if I saved my pennies, I'd be able to afford the Green Star some day. I sometimes wonde, though, if perhaps Juicin' John knows deep down that the Green Star is not THAT superior and that the extra $300 wasn't really worth it...In any case, I am satisfied with my selection and that's
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 14 years ago
banana who
Well, I don't buy produce very often from TJ's. But if they are getting their raw almonds from Spain and they are raw, then they cannot be irradiated. And since they admitted that some of their almonds are pasteurized, then I feel confident that the valencia ones are kosher.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Hi, all:
I just received an email from Trader Joe's regarding their raw almonds from Spain. Apparently they are really raw, although TJ's conceded that there are other almonds they sell that are pasteurized. So if you live near a TJ's (I do!) and see the Valencia almonds, know that they are truly raw! Woot! I cannot recall the price but it's a lot better than most stores.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Juicin' John: I really didn't grasp that comment. Maybe you are rolling in dough but $299 isn't cheap to me and the machine is not "cheapo," if that was what you are implying. I have had other juicers which fit that description better. It extracts juice; trust me. The pulp is wrung dry. I conceded that the Green Star is most likely the best even though I have never seen it. If you have
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 14 years ago
banana who
Obviously, I don't mean this literally, but are there any "experts" or leaders in the field whom you have followed, in terms of reading their books, going to their lectures or retreats, etc.? I just saw a DVD of Gabriel Cousens giving his philosphy regarding the connection between eating raw vegan and a yogic lifestyle. I never read him mentioned on here, so I was curious whether any of
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Dried fruits, nuts, spirulina (Whole Foods has it in bulk), spices, really raw honey (it's solidified)...I'm sure I'll think of others.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
Juicin' John: Okay, dewd, I grabbed a clue--you totally believe that the Green Star's the best. I am sure you must be right. HOWEVER, I didn't have $600 that I wanted to blow. I spent $299 with free shipping and got a very decent juicer. The Omega 8006 does greens very impressively. I made my fifth juice this morning and the way it takes in the parsley really rawks. And all the other veggies I in
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 14 years ago
banana who
5245. Re: Yam Juice
I was under the impression that yams are a different species, even though their taste and appearance is similar to sweet potatoes. I am wondering if the latter should even be juiced. I know that wild yams (at least the extract) are used for women's' hormonal issues, but...If anyone knows about the differences/similarities, please post!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 14 years ago
banana who
I reuse those plastic produce bags like one would use Ziplocks. I never buy baggies, nor trash bags. I had a huge stash of old plastic (ugh) grocery bags and just kept using them. My local health store has begun using cornstarch bags and they are the bee's knees! They are stretchy and strong: rarely have I poked a hole in one by accident. The health store gave me a bunch when I inquired about pur
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 14 years ago
banana who
I soaked some organic unhulled sesame seeds overnight, attempted to put them in the Omega with the blank (it's supposed to make nut butters). It was a joke. The hulls don't cut it, man. I don't know what to do because I COULD get a brand of Middle Eastern hulled sesame seeds, but I think they use a very caustic process to get rid of the hulls. And Whole Foods only sells unhulled sesames,
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 14 years ago
banana who
5248. Re: Yam Juice
Great idea! I'm gonna try it tomorrow!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
banana who
I wish I had Smell-O-Vision like you apparently do, LOL! But seriously, that looks like an awesome meal! I'd like the recipe of the patties...
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening 15 years ago
banana who
Yeah, the outer part reminds me of bamboo and I would imagine it would challenge a juicer, but I have the Omega 8006 so it might actually work. What I could do is peel that part and just juice the inner.
Thanks also for the suggestion of the addition of lemon. I actually thought of that as a way to flavor and get raw sugar to the whole thing. Perhaps dilute with a bit of purified wate
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |