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Results 5311 - 5340 of 5345
15 years ago
banana who
Plainly Dressed: Just one more question; promise! The allure of the Omega is that it also is a grinder, makes nut butters and sorbets, makes pasta...I would use all these functions. The Vitamix can make nut butters and grind, but it cannot do the pasta, and it's much more expensive. I have made green smoothies in my less powerful blender. I am sure that the Vitamix makes them much smoother, but I
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Jeni: David Wolfe has written about hybridized foods and doesn't appear too keen on them. I just cannot imagine eschewing bananas, though, and he claims that they (the regular ones, at least) are hybridized. I perused the article and I have to say that I do feel that there are produce that seem more sugary. For instance, I really do not enjoy buying corn much anymore. It seems that it is much
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Plainlydressed: Thank you for the input and congrats on your Vitamix dream! Curious: I had decided that if I had to choose between a Vitamix and juicer, I'd pick the juicer first, since I have a blender (Hamilton Beach, not very powerful, but I could juice stuff and then blend it). What do you think? I am not very raw, but if I could get by with just the Vitamix, at least for now, I'd order it in
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Wheatgrass Yogi- Curious--what is the issue or issues you have with the Champion and why the particular models of the Omegas? It is great to hear specifics! Thanks already for your info!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
This was on a raw foods Web site and it was one of the types they recommend (the Champion's another). It's about $229 and has all these attachments. As I still consume cooked food, the pasta attachment (to make gluten-free noodles), as well as the grinder, etc. would be helpful. Also, the Omega Vert and 8006 are both similar to this machine, which adds to the confusion. Does anyone have any ex
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Wheatgrass Yogi: Could you please explain the difference in cleanup between the two Omegas? I read another post where someone said that they didn't like the fact that the Omega (Vert?) juice had to be strained because there is no pulp ejection.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
I keep hearing about the Green Star, Jack LaLane, Omega, etc. The Champion is championed (sorry) by some of the pro-raw fooders as a great and durable juicer.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
David Wolfe's "Sunfood Diet Success System" is one that combines a detailed explanation and information on raw foods, plus a Napleon Hill-esque positive thought book.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Hi! I have never heard of onion crisps; you say they are in a bag and also called them onion rings...the fried kind? I bought some frozen ones from Whole Paycheck when they were on sale: OMG! Totally, completely addictive. I would never have looked at the onions as the junkie-inducing behavior, but more likely the breading...that evil breading, LOL. I have admitted to not being a raw fooder
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Ani Phyo plugs them all the time (in her new book about raw desserts she mentions using it for grinding the nuts) and sells them on her site. I realize that these raw food gurus may just be getting cash for plugging particular devices, so that is why I am going to the non-biased horses' mouths: YOU GUYS! I am looking for someone who has used one of these puppies and can either vouch for them or s
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Deb- Sorry to keep peppering you with questions, but I am curious what kind of food processor you own. I just bought a Hamilton Beach one from WalMart that was only $35. It came with a reversible disc for shredding/chopping on one side and slicing on the other. It also had an S blade for mixing (I haven't used that one so I am just guessing). I was unaware that I could even grind nut butters w
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Hey, what do you have against cilantro? It is the secret ingredient in many dishes! It is ubiquitous in Mexican/Hispanic cuisine, and is also used in Chinese/Thai dishes ("Chinese parsley" is its other name, doncha know!) But seriously, cilantro removes heavy metals. I like AC/DC as much as the next person, but... *rimshot*
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Hello Coco, From my understanding,cold-pressed will generally indicate a low-heat or non-heat method of oil extraction. Expeller-pressed is hit-and-miss, in that it may be okay but also may be extracted with too much heat. However, it probably would still be kosher in terms of avoiding hexane. I would defintely advise people to avoid buying oils in supermarkets, except the natural ones. The
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
I went to Wal-Mart last week and picked up a Hamilton Beach number for $35 that has been very good so far! I have been happy with its power and have used it to shred beets, potatoes (and cheese...sorry!). I have used the other side and sliced uniform potatoes effortlessly. I haven't used the S blade as of yet but look forward to!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Hi Jennifer! Are they organic? I am just curious; for six bucks a pop, even non-organic ones are a good deal. Of course, one has to factor in shipping...Another question I have is how you know for sure that they are not zapped. From what I had gathered, it is a law in CA that all almonds are pasteurized. What is truly bizarre to me is that they are picking on almonds yet what about all the oth
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Does anyone know if Trader Joe's almonds are really raw? I think they get them from Spain but I am not sure. I would write to them but it's quicker to do it this way!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Hi, Brian! My fave legume to sprout so far are French lentils, which I bought at Whole Foods' bulk bin. They are smaller than the typical lentil and sprout great! I tried garbanzos but I don't like the taste of larger beans uncooked! Icky yucky to me because they are too starchy and taste wrong to me. However, smaller beans are probably the way to go: black-eyed peas, turtle beans, etc. I have
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
15 years ago
banana who
Deb- I am curious why Vitamix has dry and wet containers...Couldn't you just rinse out one after making a smoothie and then grind nuts or something? I assume that it comes with different blades...
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Deb- Thanks a lot! I was wondering about the dry container because on the Web site it says it's for grinding grains, which I had no plans of doing, but I do want to grind nuts and seeds. I would like to make my own tahini. I find that the store-bought varieties tend to be quite bitter and perhaps that is due to oxidation of the fat. I would also like to make almond butter and cashew butter! I
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Loeve: I had a hole from my screwdriver jabs and drained the YC and then was able to take the paring knife and get the rest open! Yay!!!! Now the only thing is to buy more and more and more! I had bought it in the city in a Thai store and my local Mexican tienda had moldy ones when I checked the other day...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Hi, all! I want to thank everyone who answered my thread about opening YCs! Although I did not go out and buy a butcher knife or machete, I took my paring knife and started shaving around the top. Then I began using a Phillips screwdriver and after some good jabs, I broke through!!! So now I know it's possible for me to open one of these things without getting a sharp knife My question is a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Hi Deb! Are you totally raw or just consume lots of raw stuff? The applesauce sounds good! I was wondering about making things like squash soup, too. I am not raw like most of you probably are, but I want to get more and more in that place. I was trying to justify the expense. My mother asked me what I wanted for my birthday/Christmas (my b-day was last week) and I said a Vitamix. She didn't k
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
OkunDei: I am glad you explained that because I, too, have family in the Caribbean and although this was the early '80s, I noticed that avocados and mangos were not necessarily available in the markets yet rotted on the ground in public areas! One memorable day, my mother and I scooped up a bunch of them as our bus took a breather on the way to some seaside area on the island. I cannot recall
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
OkunDeji Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hey Lizard, > I saw the same thing the other day in a > supermarket, spotty ripe bananas were being taken > off the shelves. I asked the man what will happen > to them and he said they give them back to the > suppliers, I offered to buy them cheap and he just > shrugged, not his decision. >
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
The problem with that is that it would be even HARDER to open with that dang outer shell! As chemically-laden as the young coconuts are, I have heard that they are not affected by the stuff they are dipped in. I just bought one today so here's hoping that is true, along with my being able to actually open it, LOL!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Sold! LOL- you used the magic word 'indispensable' and I was just looking for an excuse to buy the Vitamix. Question: (if you don't mind me peppering you with them) What do you use for filtering the fiber? Cheesecloth? Nut mylk bags? Inquiring minds want to knw!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
What I mean is that I am not a raw fooder. I hope that is okay (to post on here). I want to increase the % of raw foods I eat every day and figure that this is a good place to get inspired I have a bunch of raw foods books from the Boutenkos, David Wolfe, Gabriel Cousens, etc. I could either get a Vitamix or a Greenstar (or Champion to save moola). Here's the deal: I am most interested now in
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
banana who
Thanks for that info and to everyone else! One thing that jumped out at me in your post: the not-fresh coconuts. I heard they were dipped in chemicals, but what is the alternative? Do they have locally-grown (USA at least) coconuts that are free of this stuff? And do they ship to the Midwest?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
I MAKE them! I haven't recently...but boy do I feel wonderful after consuming veggies rich in lactic acid! Cukes are hard to ferment, though. They get soggy when submerged in the salt water. I heard that if you put certain tannin-rich leaves (oak leaves I believe, but check it out first) it will keep the cukes crisp. Easiest is sauerkraut with cabbage (or napa, if you wanna make kimchi, which
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
banana who
Have you ever seen the documentary "The Real Dirt about Farmer John?" The subject of the movie is the owner of Angelica Organics, which is a farm in NW IL. I believe they have seasonal positions and they are paying gigs, but check and see...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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