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15 years ago
Thank you Jennifer. What is that a picture of on your signature?? It is rather intriguing. Patty
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
I am just trying to make green smoothies (fruit, greens, water) which were always fine with my previous blender. BUT, in between my posting this and now, I went back and did something almost unheard of - I re-read the directions for making smoothies that came with the Vitamix. Well, low and behold! If you follow those directions for use of the controls, the smoothies turn out great!
I am no
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
A couple of months ago, I received a Vitamix 5200 as a gift from my boyfriend. Ever since, my green smoothies aren't quite the same. They don't seem as smooth but kinda airy and after sitting for a while (like when I take to work) the smoothie separates. Am I blending too long? Too short? Wrong speed?
Help! I need some blending tips.
Thank you in advance.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
You can get a rather decent model by Oster for around $50. I used the Beehive model prior to getting my Vitamix and was very happy with it. My boyfriend has the same Oster and is also very happy with it. I believe that Hamilton Beach makes some decent models in the $50-100 price range too.
I hope this helps.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
I've never seen those before. What are they? They look dangerous! :-)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Awesome Funky Rob - Thank you! I will be getting an iPhone (finally decided on that). I am also a Mac user at home. I am hoping that having a tracker "with me" will help me to be more regular about tracking.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Are there any downloads/apps for nutrition tracking (like fitday or nutritiondata) that can be downloaded to an iPhone, Blackberry, or similar PDA/Smartphone?
Anyone use them?
Thoughts on their efficiency?
Thank you.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Could whatever you are using to wash your face be aggravating it? If you are eating grains or any other excitotoxin, that might be aggravating your skin. I have very sensitive skin too and since getting rid of grains and most other excitotoxinx (onions, spices, excessive fats, etc) my skin has settled down. I have been using Burt's Bees skin products for now.
Good luck.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Westiemom, (sorry this is long I tried to be as brief as I could)
I am sorry to hear of your struggles and I have been there too, just not as severe. Here are some thoughts (as brief as I can keep them) and, like any others, these are just my opinions.
I was completely convinced I was sugar intolerant and a good candidate for diabetes. I ate myself into a high-fat, high-salt raw food diet
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I have fallen completely in love with this dressing I got from "Instant Raw Sensations" by Frederic Patenaude. I completely recommend this recipe book for its simple, mostly 80-10-10-based recipes. He has a section on 2-ingredient recipes. It is totally worth the money for a new raw foodie (or someone like me who messed herself up on high-fat, high-salt raw).
Anyway, here is the r
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 15 years ago
Since shifting to 80-10-10, I can't seem to get enough of these and I tolerate them so well I don't know why I bothered to try eating other stuff.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
For what its worth, I learned that placing a bar of soap beneath your bed sheet (between mattress and sheet) is suppose to help. I don't know how. I learned this after I had a massive leg cramp one night. I have a bar of ayurvedic soap under my sheet now. I haven't had a cramp since but I get them very infrequently anyway. I don't know that the kind of soap matters. But, its worth a try and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
While I prefer to purchase greens un-packaged, sometimes availability, time, etc dictate that I purchase them in these containers. I think they taste fine and my rabbit loves them too!!
As far as the plastic containers go...they are the greatest storage bins for shoes, CDs, office supplies, yarn, fabric (I am an avid sewer), tools, electric cords, cleaning supplies, shampoo, first aid misc
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I have traveled for work. I stop at a grocery store and pick up greens and fruit. Many hotel chains offer at least a continental breakfast and include fruit. I would head down very early and grab 5-6 bananas and a couple of apples each day.
I also took nuts and dates with me just in case.
Good luck and enjoy your trip.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I want to give you a great, cohesive response but my time and energy is limited so this will have to do. I was convinced that I couldn't eat a high (primarily sweet) fruit diet - aka 10-8-10 - because of hypoglycemia, sugar intolerance, etc. I started out on the raw lifestyle as a means to help feel better. I ate myself into a stereotypical high fat (60+%) and high salt raw diet
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I have never done the Master Cleanse but I have read both books on the subject. My understanding is that if you deviate from the protocol than you are no longer doing the actual Master Cleanse but just another cleanse. The purpose of the maple syrup is to provide necessary minerals. I am pretty sure you can use blackstrap molasses in place of the maple syrup if you don't care for that much swee
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
My periods stopped after a bit too. Taking a Vitamin B12 supplement started my cycle back up almost immediately.
Good luck.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
18. Re: detox / flu
I am glad you are feeling better. I am struggling very much right now too with massive detox that appears very flu-like. I am doing my darndest to ride it out as well. I even had an incision site from surgery in November all of a sudden swell up on me last night. It is truly amazing what happens in the body and what the body can do for itself.
Take care.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Thank you for the input. What started out as a lot of gas has become bad - my gut has been doing summersaults so much that I was starting to get motion sick. The symptoms are definitely flu-like and I am ruling it major detox.
Anything I consume - including plain water - is bothering me. I stayed home from work today to sleep because that is what I felt I needed. Yes, the bananas I eat are
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Okay, okay I know this is TMI but I finally decided to write and see if anyone has any other insight for me. I have become one of those people that Graham and others wrote about in their books who is eating 60+% fat in a raw diet. I am trying to transition myself off of this and have myself at around 25% fat right now. My problem is that I have developed rather bad intestinal gas that lasts p
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
I can't believe I am actually asking this because I feel as though I should know the answer. What is the difference between greens and lettuces? I always thought that lettuces (romaine, red leaf, green leaf) were considered greens but I recently read in a couple of places implying otherwise. Help.
Thank you.
And, yes, there are such things as dumb questions.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
I know there are a number of posts on 80-10-10 but I just need a quick answer. Does Graham, in his book, discuss how to transition - especially if you have eaten yourself into a raw mess?
Thank you.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Thank you all. I found what I was looking for.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Parsley is WONDERFUl in green smoothies - especially with pears or with bananas/oranges. Unless I am remembering incorrectly, Parsley is also ridiculously high in iron.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 16 years ago
A while back there was a thread about items one would keep in a food emergency/survival kit. I am having some difficulty trying to find it.
I am not even sure which forum it was posted on.
Could someone help direct me to it?
Thank you.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Thanks Sundancer. Any recipe you care to share?
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 16 years ago
Can winter squash - butternut, acorn, spaghetti, etc - be eaten raw?
Thank you.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 16 years ago
The comment you wrote Kombaiyashii that the co-workers made about the woman being tortured while passing a McDonalds is interesting. Sometimes I wonder if people think I feel deprived because I don't eat "_______" (fill in the blank with whatever you want - cake, ice cream, donuts, McDonalds, pizza, etc.).
The reality is, others don't know what they are missing - no acid reflux, d
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 16 years ago
Mine stopped but started up again when I supplemented with VB12, I started to ovulate the day after taking VB12 supplement. Periods/symptoms have been less intense with increased raw food consumption.
Forum: Other Health Related 16 years ago
I have to agree with rawangel in that my eyebrows shot up too when I read bleach. Granted it was a cup to a bathtub (give or take) of water and that would generate a dilutional effect. But it still does seem odd. If it helps in your "argument" strong acids and strong bases (bleach is a very strong base) are mutagenic - meaning they cause changes to the DNA in male and female reproducti
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) |