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Results 121 - 150 of 436
13 years ago
I've been mostly raw for almost 3 years now and I haven't had a cold or the flu once... I have other issues going on with my digestion but that is sort of why i am raw but everything else... not a thing... and in fact when "flu season" strikes and people say "oh don't come to close to me I'm sick..." I give them a great big hug confident ... that is just what they need and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Well what a wealth of information... thank you ... I was taking iodine last year about this time but i wasn't real sure i noticed so much of a difference... but i had also taken brassica's completely out of my diet... but maybe i should try taking it again whil i am eating brassica's cause gosh darnit i can't cut everything out of my diet... i'll look in to it.... i live in an area where it'
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Hi there... When I eat Kale I get very fatigued... like muscle fatigue and sleepy tired too... Does anyone have an understanding of why this is???? thanks love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Wow... and I almost bought a papaya today but i figured it wouldn't be ripe enough before i go out of town so I thought i'd wait till I get back... Good thing I waited!!! thanks for the info love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
we are growing broccoli and have these big beautiful leaves growing almost look like the other greens we are growing which for some reason the name is escaping but it's not so important... just wondering if i can eat the broccoli leaves raw... if at all??? thank you for your time love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
oops... gave the wrong website... that's the right one!!! love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I have tooth problems... the best thing you can do is take care of them... brushing and flossing and brushing and flossing... is definitely the best thing... my gums used to bleed all the time and since i have started flossing religiously they don't bleed but they started hurting again... turns out i can't eat frozen stuff anymore cause that makes them hurt... but i also went to the dentist
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
ok I watched...interesting coco I get the heebie jeebies comment... and Tam... the leer it was very distracting ... and call me jaded but I still don't believe men don't just want to have sex...and think about it all the time...and are using this peace and love and raw stuff as a way in... honestly my sex drive has gone down since being raw... but i'm also dealing with some emotional stuff.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Diet does have a direct effect on this as a lot of the chemicals and hormones they put in food and use as pesticides and GMO stuff and such can mimic estrogen and various other hormones such asoy, non-organic meats, and dairy, carbon chlorines, used in many pesticides; phthalates, widely used in the plastics industry to soften PVC; and dioxin, a byproduct of paper processing and herbicides. to n
Forum: Other Health Related
13 years ago
EFT has helped me in many different ways... it's funny I'll do it for awhile and then stop and one day I'll realize that my anxiety is gone or my anger is gone... what ever I was doing the EFT for... and then I'll be reminded of it in some random way like with this posting for example... maybe it's time for me to do it some more... there is a free EFT manual you can down load... just google EEFT
Forum: Other Health Related
13 years ago
Smaller portions are you crazy what would all the overeating food addicts do I think there should be a second "eat at your own risk" sitting in restaurants for those that need it and re willing to eat it. I used to work at a sorority as a cook and our policy was only reheat once and then it's trash... well i was a poor student living with a sister with 2 hungry mouths to feed so thei
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Yesterday I went to Easter Brunch Buffet with family...I figured I would go and not make a fuss and eat what i can find... I made the mistake of relying on my mom's boyfriend (a man who believes potato's are better straight from the box) to check to make sure they would have salad on the buffet... well in his defense i suppose they did have a small bowl of wilted greens amongst all the other may
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
36 minutes for a 10k??? well i may be running more but you are for sure running faster... so I know of these books just haven't purchased them to read yet... i don't eat a high fat diet... i can't due to Gall bladder issues... so at most i have 2 tablespoons of hemp or olive oil... typically it's about 1 tablespoons... very occasionally i have an avocado... or a glass of almond milk... but no
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Can some one give me a good Idea for a high raw meal plan as a runner. I am running 15-20 miles a week and biking about 25 miles and i walk a lot too... but i am tired... and feeling weak and think maybe i'm not getting enough nutrition thank you love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I think the best contingency plan is to be in the best shape that I can be in so if I had to walk long distances I could do so and would have the strength and ability to help out where needed. I may start thinking about having a back pack with a traveling water filter, some warm clothes and rain gear, a sleeping bag, first aid stuff, a small tent, swiss army knife, can opener,bowl, cup, fork spo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
it is always sad when a child dies... and I agree that the grief of the loss should be punishment enough but the powers that be have to make an example out of these people... in order to keep the crap food world on top. It puts fear into everyone... of course if this woman was b12 deficient it could have affected her mind and maybe she just thought everything was ok... who knows... but 30 y
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
what do I eat normally... in the morning I have a smoothie... various fruits lately mostly mango strawberry grapes kiwi peaches plums pineapple with orange or apple juice... not all of them at once at most 3 at a time... with Field of greens powder it's a mix of grasses and their juices... lunch varies slightly today was kale, spinach carrots celery green onions lemon juice and a honey must
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
ok last night's dream was a tasting of chocolate treats for a wedding... YUMMM... all kinds of treats peanut butter and chocolate chocolate cake chocolate mint things even a vegetarian one that had a thin slice of sweet potato in the middle... strange but good... i'm starting to like these dreams cause this is all things I can't eat due to allergies and such... no eggs in the dream though that
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
139. Cravings
Hi there... so I'm having cravings for eggs... not fried or anything simple soft boiled eggs... i can taste them feel them in my mouth and it seems so good... I even had a dream about them last night... of course I also had a dream about pretzels and PB&J... but that's besides the point eggs have been an on going thing and I haven't had any for 3 years give or take and I'm wondering if
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
anyone have any good sources for helping cancer patients? I have a friend with a son who has cancer and she is looking for more information of the alternative kind... I suggested the raw foods diet but he had trouble digesting roughage ... anyhow any book suggestions website suggestions... etc... thank you love laugh and dream
Forum: Other Health Related
13 years ago
Un processed shea butter the whiter stuff not the yellow it's more pure... from an african at the african fest in Chicago...$10 and it last me a year... I suppose I should say 20 cause it does cost to get into the fest... otherwise since I have been raw my skin has never been better.. though I have never really had skin trouble anyhow!!! except this strange itching on my sides... but only whe
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I have used them as well with good results though I didn't do as many as you ... I have thought of doing them again... which one in particular did you do? Did you do the parasite cleanse along with it? just wondering if it works with out it? thank you for your story! love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I had a roommate that put sweetened condensed milk on his cereal which was broken up sugary graham crackers ... did i mention he was a diabetic... the things people eat I think are very emotional and that's a hard habit to break... in the end these people have to make their own choices ... I think it's easier to tear people down then to build themselves up... and it may not even be intentional
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I know plastic isn't the best but does it affect it that much? I'm wondering something... if this diet is so great should we have to supplement? I do... of course... I take an herbal vit/min supplement and a green powder I put in my smoothie... Field of Greens is what it's called of course it's in plastic so now i wonder how good it is... but I guess i've always taken some form of vit/min
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Here's a website of various famous raw foodies I'm with Jimtoo... flaunt it... people will never learn from you if all you do is hide from them... and if they don't get to ask any questions they might just think you are weird but when you are given the chance to explain what and why you do it and how great you feel because of it they will never get a chance to try it out. love la
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
If you can't stomach what an animal chooses to eat and you really want one then you should have the space for the animal to hunt on it's own so you don't have to do it for them... cause naturally this is what they would do and I don't think we should force our beliefs onto anyone.... humans and animals alike... Cats and dogs are allergic to most grains Dogs aren't as carnivorous as Cats but s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I have been dealing with GB trouble for a long time nowLast year I had an ultra sound done on my gallbladder and the walls were thicker then they were supposed to be ... this year I had another Ultrasound done and the walls are no longer thick... and is in normal range... you do not want too much seems the more fat I consume the more it bothers me...but the same way with too little
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Yeah... good positive loving words... i love it... and i agree this is a good place for wisdom love and support... Thank you for spreading a good vibe Jodi... love laugh and dream
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I am not defending David Wolf I've never met the man... I don't agree with his way... so I"m not going to do it... simple as that... but I also don't agree with all the bashing that goes on here... I find negative words about others to be just as poisoning as junk food... if not more so because it's so easy to spread. I may not take advice from a fat man on how to lose weight but I will
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
"It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth." Why not just let people be as they are and not worry about fat or skinny or how they choose to do things... and see what good they are doing for themselves and the world and discard the negativity... or better yet what good am or could I be doing for myself and the world..
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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