Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 13, 2014 09:16PM Here's an idea for the UN Ebola czar - move your whole effing UN operation from NY,NY to the fabulous Valhalla of vacationdom in the Ebola heartlands W Africa. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 13, 2014 10:43PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Here's an idea for the UN Ebola czar - move your > whole effing UN operation from NY,NY to the > fabulous Valhalla of vacationdom in the Ebola > heartlands W Africa. Oh, and take the whole effing Atlanta CDC operation with you there, too, Mr. UN Ebola czar. And don't send us postcards - we've heard enough out of you. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 01:32AM A video that explains the motivation for the Ebola false flag: Proof Ebola Is A Conspiracy
The motivation is to send in troops to Africa. Nigeria oil fields. Diamond production in Sierra Leone A disaster will get the world to accept a new world order Bio weapon research in Sierra Leone Thank you coconut cream for sharing this link. What You Are Not Being Told About Ebola: What The World Needs To Know 1) Ebola Bioweapons Research Has Been Funded By The US In Sierra Leone For Decades 2) The CDC Patented The Ebola Virus Half A Decade Ago 3) Everybody In The Infected Areas Already Knows That Ebola Is A Conspiracy 4) Vaccine Companies (And The CDC) Will Profit Billions Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 03:34AM More on the Ebola conspiracy video:
Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 09:42AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > The earth seems to be spiraling into a spectacular > Twilight Zone of crazy and stupid today. > > > "UN encourages travel to 'vibrant and alive' > Ebola-hit West Africa, as death toll tops 5,000" > > > "UNITED NATIONS, United States (AFP) - The UN's > Ebola czar on Wednesday encouraged tourists to > visit West Africa, saying Liberia, Sierra Leone > and Guinea were "vibrant and alive" and that > contact with infected people was largely > avoidable. "I want to encourage everybody to > maintain travel, tourism even to places that have > Ebola. There is just no reason not to go to > Freetown, Monrovia, Conakry," David Nabarro, the > UN coordinator on Ebola, told the UN Economic and > Social Council. "These are cities which have got > fabulous places for tourism. They are > unfortunately not very full at the moment." - See > more at: > [] > es/story/un-encourages-travel-vibrant-and-alive-eb > ola-hit-west-africa-death-to#sthash.mfJr2D8N.dpuf" > ... Wow, yeah SueZ. Twilight Zone! Geez. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 08:56PM Yesterday, CDC updated the confirmed Ebola death toll to 5160.
[] And: "Third Ebola patient headed to Nebraska Medical Center" [] The patient is a surgeon and a permanent US resident, who was treating Ebola in his native country of Sierra Leone, "one of the hardest-hit areas of West Africa". Health care workers put themselves at great risk to their lives, when treating patients for Ebola. Thank you, and best wishes for a speedy recovery! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 09:02PM Prana Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- >> - See more at: > [] > lse-flags/proof-ebola-is-a-conspiracy.html#sthash. > EPzjOnTS.dpuf I guess it's not all that "forbidden" if all we have to do is click a keyboard tab to access it. Hope it stays that way, revolution or not. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2014 09:09PM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: November 14, 2014 10:40PM [] Bill Gates to Waste $10 Billion on Vaccine Research? Posted by: Dr. Mercola February 20 2010 | JR's Recap: • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plans to donate $10 billion over the next decade to research new vaccines, … • Gates hired the vice president of Monsanto Robert Horsch(i) to join the Foundation in 2006 • Gates added Merck CEO Raymond Gilmartin to his Board of Directors in 2001 • Gates invested $205 million in nine of the large pharmaceutical companies in 2002 • Gates Foundation has given more than $4.5 billion to vaccine research over the past several years • Malaria is the number one killer in Africa. From what I'm hearing about $1 billion of Bill Gates donation/tax write-off is for research to find a vaccine to prevent malaria. • The African country of Eritrea, where I live, has reduced malaria mortality by 85 percent in the last seven years. How? By using basic public health methods. By distributing pesticide treated mosquito nets and organizing the pesticide retreatment every three months of mosquito nets. By habitat eradication. • So "donating" a billion dollars to develop a malaria "vaccine" could turn into tens of billions of dollars in drug sales in Africa alone, and Bill Gates, through his drug company investments, will quietly pocket more African blood money. • Bill Gates and other assorted financial terrorists through their control of the Western media and "aid" organizations are suppressing implementation of a successful malaria mortality program while investing in a malaria drug addiction for Africa's people. • These financial terrorists are perfectly willing to see millions die in Africa while they search for their next highly profitable "wonder drug" to cure malaria, all the while deliberately ignoring, worse, engineering a white out/cover up of what could prevent millions of deaths, let alone uncounted suffering. ... [] WAKE UP SLAVES!!!!!! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 10:58PM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > The patient is a surgeon and a permanent US > resident, who was treating Ebola in his native > country of Sierra Leone, "one of the hardest-hit > areas of West Africa". > > Health care workers put themselves at great risk > to their lives, when treating patients for Ebola. > Thank you, and best wishes for a speedy recovery! I think that's the guy who is the 5th M.D. in Sierra Leone to get Ebola. They were already very short of doctors so they really can't afford losing any more. I've been trying to find out how old he is. Hopefully he is young. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 11:09PM "WHO starts survey of Ebola treatments"
[] Their big news... "Because these patients received multiple drugs - many of them received two, three or sometimes even four drugs - we cannot conclude anything," he said. "We can't conclude that the drugs work. That is the conclusion." Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2014 11:27PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > suncloud Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > The patient is a surgeon and a permanent US > > resident, who was treating Ebola in his native > > country of Sierra Leone, "one of the > hardest-hit > > areas of West Africa". > > > > Health care workers put themselves at great > risk > > to their lives, when treating patients for > Ebola. > > Thank you, and best wishes for a speedy > recovery! > > > I think that's the guy who is the 5th M.D. in > Sierra Leone to get Ebola. They were already very > short of doctors so they really can't afford > losing any more. I've been trying to find out how > old he is. Hopefully he is young. OK, he is 44 - right on the edge of that Ebola 95%/96% fatality age cliff. Hope and pray he makes it through. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2014 11:30PM by SueZ. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 15, 2014 12:48PM "The man who died alone in the jungle to save others from Ebola"
This link has a video and photos. These people are not crisis actors. [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2014 07:23AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > "The man who died alone in the jungle to save > others from Ebola" > > This link has a video and photos. These people are > not crisis actors. > > > [] > a-sierra-leone-disease-spread-west-africa-alex-tho > mson/8607. Definitely not! And same goes for the other more than 5000 people who've died from Ebola (probably more than twice that, since many died at home). Yes, it seems like everyone was pretty much unprepared for this breakout, so patients are receiving all these untested drugs. There's no way to tell if any of them help or hurt without studies isolating each treatment. I already said this, but if I were the patient, I'd go for the elderberry extract. No thank you to all the untested drugs! I hope the surgeon makes it through! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2014 08:04AM About the surgeon, now in the US: "A hospital spokesman, Taylor Wilson, said Salia is 'extremely ill,' possibly more sick than any patient yet transported from West Africa to the U.S. for treatment...On Friday, Salia's son told NBC News that his dad knew the risks of working in West Africa but was committed to doing his part." (Salia was born in Sierra Leone)
[] This link is an article about an American doctor who is back in Africa for the second time. A video is included where she talks about one of her patients. [] The health care workers who are risking their lives are also not crisis actors. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2014 04:38PM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > About the surgeon, now in the US: "A hospital > spokesman, Taylor Wilson, said Salia is 'extremely > ill,' possibly more sick than any patient yet > transported from West Africa to the U.S. for > treatment...On Friday, Salia's son told NBC News > that his dad knew the risks of working in West > Africa but was committed to doing his part." > (Salia was born in Sierra Leone) > > [] > eak/ebola-stricken-surgeon-dr-martin-salia-arrives > -u-s-n249246 I'm afraid his age, 44, is working against him. He's now described as "extremely critical". He's going to need a miracle to pull through this I'm afraid. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 17, 2014 06:32PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- >> I'm afraid his age, 44, is working against him. > He's now described as "extremely critical". He's > going to need a miracle to pull through this I'm > afraid. Dr. Salia didn't make it. How sad for him and his family! Dr. Salia had visited Sierra Leone frequently to help out in the country of his birth. When first tested on November 7, results were negative. On the 10th he tested positive, and he passed a week later. Another hero gone. [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: November 17, 2014 06:59PM []
Population reduction white paper argues that the killing of 2 billion people still isn't enough Monday, November 17, 2014 ... VACCINES TO THE RESCUE!!! Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 17, 2014 08:45PM John Rose Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > [] > tion_mass_mortality_depopulation_agenda.html > Population reduction white paper argues that the > killing of 2 billion people still isn't enough > Monday, November 17, 2014 So according to Natural News, it's now "uber-left" to be concerned about the environment, and the REAL environmentalist agenda is "mass murder". Mike Adams's article says, "In the modern era, uber-left wing academics who view environmentalism as a religion and take on blind faith that the world is being destroyed by the infestation of human beings have long considered and discussed how best to achieve 'population control' and even population reduction. "Most have been careful not to actually state what it is they would really like to see: the mass murder of billions of people..." ____________________________________________________________________________ If enough people actually believed this, how convenient it would be for Big Oil, Big Pharma, Monsanto, Dow, and every other Fat Cat out there raping the planet for their own perceived short-term benefit! Do our beliefs require evidence? Of course most of us think so. So if enough people believe we have sufficient evidence for this one, at what point do we call out the gestapo and ARREST all those evil environmentalists for actively advocating MASS MURDER! And if we DON'T believe the evidence is quite sufficient, why would we repeat such things as facts - at the risk of becoming someone else's PAWN? This bs about environmentalists being murderers has been around for a while. Mike Adams is mindlessly playing to his base - the group that believes everything they read from their preferred sources, while calling everyone else "sheeple" for not being one of their sheeple. Adams has had a few productive moments (exposing Adya Clarity for example), but this isn't one of them. Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2014 08:58PM by suncloud. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 17, 2014 09:20PM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > >> I'm afraid his age, 44, is working against > him. > > He's now described as "extremely critical". > He's > > going to need a miracle to pull through this > I'm > > afraid. > > > Dr. Salia didn't make it. How sad for him and his > family! > > Dr. Salia had visited Sierra Leone frequently to > help out in the country of his birth. When first > tested on November 7, results were negative. On > the 10th he tested positive, and he passed a week > later. > > Another hero gone. > > [] > /17/ebola-death-martin-salia/19162043/ Very sad. He dedicated his life to doing what he was convinced was God's calling for him. How many of us can say the same? He was a hero and died like a hero. One of the big problems with the temperature test monitoring in W Africa is that there are so many people who are immune compromised to the point the don't run a fever when they have Ebola. Apparently one of the women Dr. Salia operated on fell into this category. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 19, 2014 02:31AM Amazing BBC Ebola program...
"The Ebola Virus - Panorama Ebola Frontline" [] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2014 02:32AM by SueZ. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 19, 2014 03:18AM Brooklyn Woman On Ebola Monitoring List Drops Dead Bleeding From "Face, Mouth, Nose"
[] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 19, 2014 05:03PM Thanks to the new Obola appointed Ebola czar there seems to be no more Ebola allowed on the official air and sound waves. It is now called 'fever travel illness'. F/T for short. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 20, 2014 07:49AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Brooklyn Woman On Ebola Monitoring List Drops Dead > Bleeding From "Face, Mouth, Nose" > > > []- > woman-ebola-monitoring-list-drops-dead-bleeding-fa > ce-mouth-nose Good thing (for everyone else) the woman later tested negative for Ebola. She died from a heart attack! I think she was at a beauty salon, and the salon had to be disinfected later. Imagine what this could do for a person's business. Bad luck (understatement)! "Fever travel illness". Interesting. The first Cuban doctor working in Africa now has Ebola. Cuba has sent 256 medical professionals to Africa - more than any other country so far. The infected doctor, Dr. Felix Baez, is one of 165 Cuban doctors treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone. [] And Amber Vincen, one of the nurses infected in Texas, received a brand new FREE engagement ring from Zales. Her first one was destroyed by clean-up crews in her apartment as a precaution against spreading Ebola, or so they say. [] Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 20, 2014 12:03PM suncloud Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > Good thing (for everyone else) the woman later > tested negative for Ebola. She died from a heart > attack! I think she was at a beauty salon, and the > salon had to be disinfected later. Imagine what > this could do for a person's business. Bad luck > (understatement)! As they can't do an EKG on a dead person and there was wasn't time to have done an autopsy before the announcement they cannot have known that she died of a heart attack. Ebola is now considered a matter of nation security in the US. This means we can now be legally lied to for 'our own good' to 'protect national security'. We do not know what this woman died from and many underlying conditions can cause heart failure. Technically anyone who dies of such things as Ebola can be said to have died because of organ failure. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 20, 2014 12:09PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Brooklyn Woman On Ebola Monitoring List Drops Dead > Bleeding From "Face, Mouth, Nose" > > > []- > woman-ebola-monitoring-list-drops-dead-bleeding-fa > ce-mouth-nose Whoever called 911 for this woman, who, btw, was only in her early 40's, must have mentioned she was bleeding from her eyes, nose and mouth, as the eyewitness' reported, IMO. They don't send out the full Hazmat team every time someone dies. Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 20, 2014 05:18PM Yes, no telling what caused this woman's heart to stop.
According to the report, she was tested for Ebola after she died, and the test came back negative. If the report was lying, the consequences could be dire. As far as we know at this point, no Ebola case in the US has been covered up. It would have been prudent to send out the hazmat team before the test results came back. Mali: Details of the additional cases of Ebola virus disease [] "As of today, Mali has officially reported a cumulative total of 6 cases of Ebola virus disease, with 5 deaths. Of the 6 cases, 5 are laboratory confirmed and one remains probable as no samples were available for testing... "The virus was almost certainly re-introduced into Mali by a 70-year-old Grand Imam from Guinea, who was admitted to Bamako’s Pasteur Clinic on 25 October and died on 27 October. He has been reclassified as a Guinea case, as he developed symptoms in that country... "The Imam was buried in his native village of Kourémalé, Guinea, on 28 October. That event has now been investigated. Thousands of mourners may have attended the funeral. Some of them touched the body as part of the traditional funeral ceremony. About 300 contacts are being traced." Re: Ebola your thoughts?
Posted by:
Date: November 20, 2014 05:54PM "Ebola crisis rekindles concerns about secret research in Russian military labs"
[] “'We have ample accounts from defectors that these are not just strains from nature, but strains that have been deliberately enhanced', she said. ((Amy Smithson is with the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies) "Other countries, including the United States, also conduct military research on defending against biological threats, including Ebola — a fact that draws criticism from some health experts and charges of hypocrisy from Russia." At least 2 Russian lab workers have died from Ebola exposure - one in 1996 and another in 2004. Russia announced last week that its Ebola vaccine is ready. No thank you. Can't we please stop Ebola without a vaccine? I hope we can. Looks kind of bleak though so far. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.