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Results 391 - 420 of 442
17 years ago
Electronic tooth regeneration, it's in the experimental stage!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Longtimeraw, I'm kind of with you in the difficuly that he might have faced in being a fruitarian in the winter, I'm sure though that as a vegan, fruit would have been a big part of his diet. That was soooo interesting Narz, thanks for finding it. So they are going to try to find out what he ate by examining the 400 year old traces left on his notebooks from him eating while he worked. I can
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Narz: I think you are right about 400,000 pounds per acre being unfeasible. A record banana yield in Hawaii averaged 13,800 pounds per acre grape trivia One Acre of land AVERAGES: Five (5) tons of grapes which is 10,000 pounds 10,135 pounds of cherries 32,680 pounds of apples 11,800 pounds of cranberries 40,000 pounds of Grapefruit Watermelon comes the closest, at the bo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Ooops, I double posted.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I'm surprised that he would react like that since you have been a vegetarian for so many years, maybe he is equating raw with your Master Cleanse. I would just do raw and wait for the results, you'll start looking better (younger) soon and people will start noticing, and then he might come around. For example: I went to a Christmas party last week at my husband's work, I used to work there
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Fruitarian Leonardo DaVinci: an analysis of his notebooks indicates he ate no flesh. He was a fruitarian (as recorded in his notebooks) and the genius was also the strongest man in Florence, says a biographer. I think this is the book being cited Vegetarianism: A Way of Life by Dudley Giehl I wonder what he would have eaten in Italy as a fruitarian, any ideas? I'm guessing oli
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Well put Gosia and ela! I have no intention of eating all sweet fruit, or even all fruit and, in my experience, green smoothies are very good for the body and have a medicinal quality to them.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
398. Re: Codex
You know what this sounds like? It sounds like the drug companies got together at a party and got to drinking and dreamt up a hypothetical "perfect world" for themselves and then someone said "Let's make this pipe dream into law!" It sounds really terrifying, but it could be the best thing that ever happened, if there was a backlash and it made people really take charge of
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
So it's the acidic environment that does B12 in, Thanks rraw. Dulset, if you scroll down to the Feb 22 article it goes into the 3 body cycles, how to use them to your best advantage. This article actually says that greens are OK to eat during the elimination cycle, but in Fit For Life and in other places I have read to eat nothing but fresh, ripe fruit noon to 8 p.m.-- appropriation (eati
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
As I understand your question, you are contemplating the leap to veganism and are wondering if you will get all your nutrients. When I made the leap I had similar concerns, after all it is common knowledge that you will DIE if you don't eat lots of protein and calcium from animal sources. Well, I kind of held my breath and took the plunge and watched what happend and I didn't die, in fact my h
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Is rejuvalac a probiotic? I know it is often used as a starter for fermented foods. Thanks!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
That is SO awesome, thanks GoneGreen! It seems to be kind of like a souped-up coloidal silver, with technology getting the silver particles down to the size of the HIV virus. I'm going to paste it here because a lot of people, myself included, don't click on links all the time: SILVER KILLS VIRUSES, STUDY FINDS Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - In a groundbreaking stu
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
How to reverse AIDs, really! But you can never get rid of the HIV, can you? I assume this is just how to boost your immune system with raw so it doesn't become overwhelmed.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I was reading this and realized that I had never heard of this type of cancer before and started wondering if it was caused by all those new drugs for heartburn. Those seem to have only been being pushed on TV for about 2-3 years (that I've noticed anyway). I know how hard it is to talk to others about this diet because although you are excited by the possibilities of the diet, others seem to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I'm thinking that there is probably more overlap in our diets than we realized. We all get a lot of our calories and fat from avocados, nuts, legumes or seeds. We all eat some greens (except for strict fruitarians). We all eat some fruit. Beyond this, and maybe it is only 25% of our diet, we eat according to our personal preference.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
If you are just starting out on raw you will probably go through a stage where you are gassy for a while (I talking like a week to a few weeks). This is actually a good thing, it means that your colon is cleaning out old junk. My guess is that this may be what is happening to you rather than indigestion.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi Coconutcream Thanks for your analysis arugula, it was informative and right on. Boutenko is gaining weight!?! I'm learning so much from this thread: High-greens means an emphasis on greens. It does not mean eating mostly greens - as in grabbing a 5 gallon bucket and heading out the door to the lettuce patch to pick greens alongside the herbivores like horses and cows (who have four st
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I so totally agree with the potluck concept. You may have great intentions with trying to serve your guests healthy food, but serving something raw instead of the traditional fare is SO going to backfire on you. I have an entire lifetime of experience with dealing with SAD relatives and their reaction to healthy (cooked usually) food, and believe me it will not go over. As an analogy, ima
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
arugula - So 20% greens (by volume I assume) would be a high-greens diet? That's totally doable, I guess when I thought high-greens I was thinking almost nothing but greens. That was also a fascinating link about rats and lettuce. I'll have to remember that greens will inhibit cholesterol absorption when I eat cholesterol laden foods. It also helps with cholesterol excretion, so a high-greens
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thanks arugula for your highly detailed salad recipe! It seems really tasty! I'm done with Greens vrs. Fruit No one LIVES on high-greens. There may be a lot of greens in your diet but it's not your energy source. And if fruit is not your energy source, then all that is left are things like nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, oils and root vegetables. I find fruit more digestable than those.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
1. While contemplating the concept of eating the high-greens diet so many swear by, I wondered if there might actually be a season for eating high-greens. Imagine being an early vegan human and it's spring, there isn't much fruit about, your winter stores (if any) are low, so what is there to eat? Early Greens. Like dandylions are at thier most edible stage in the spring, most greens woul
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I did more reading in this book, it is virtually a fruitarian bible. I have always been put off by the fact that is isn't totally vegan or raw, but it still has interesting info. Page 6 The Weight Standards Are Too High Virtually all the longlived peoples of the world, from Asia to South America to New Zealand, lend to be lean. In America, life insurance statistics show that the greatest h
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Ok, this is grosser that talking about BMs but . . . I did this two days in a row. First day I let it splash and almost all of it sank to the bottom. Second day, I spit on the side of the glass so it wouldn't splash and most of it floated and then developed "legs". So I guess I have it unless everyone's spit will do this. I noticed that this test is all over the web, and it is alw
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Cool question. I am most familiar with cayenne from the lemonade diet. I found this info too. It seems it will save one from dying of a heart attack! Blood and Circulation Cayenne stimulates blood flow - instantly. It dilates arterial walls and cuts through mucus in the veins, thus increasing circulation to the extremities and helping overall to lower blood pressure. It strengthens the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
No clue, I was wondering that too.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thanks for posting all that info! I was glad to see that a lot of foods that I eat especially bananas, mangos, pinapples and kiwi were near the bottom of the list.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Gasp! THEY fell off the wagon!!!!!!!!!!! Just Joking :-) I'd be surprised if the authors of raw books didn't go through setbacks like everyone else, so name away. In fact, I bet that they all have fallen off the wagon, big time, at one time or another. It's the raw theory that counts and which makes sense, more than thier example, I don't care what they eat personally (but I hope that they
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I came across this on page 101 of Fit For Life. I thought it was interesting that he thought 90% of our diet should supply us with glucose. I also thought it was interesting that a common mistake people make is getting rid of the symptoms of low blood sugar by eating protein instead of eating foods that supply glucose! Q. Why does it seem as if so many people today either have hypoglycemia o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Ok, here is what I think when I read about muscle loss: How would you know that you were losing muscle? Are there fat cells within the muscle which could explain an apparent loss of muscle? Could an apparent loss of muscle simply be the body cleaning up old muscle cells paving the way for new cells? Didn't Paul Bragg fast 4 times a year for 7-10 days at a time, and he was heavily int
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I totaly agree that humans are supposed to have some fat, every animal has fat reserves, I did say excess fat. I also agree with you about being thin acording to the charts and not feeling thin. I'm 5' 3" and not heavy, last time I weighed myself in July I was 115, but I can feel fat. Over the past few weeks I have decided that I want to get down to 105-110 which is not anorexic at all s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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