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Results 61 - 90 of 671
11 years ago
Slos, Consider eliminating gluten from your diet as that may be a hidden cause for Candida. Gluten is in wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten could be in wheat grass, too. Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
When I was young, I had blue eyes. (A neighbor told me this when I was 4 or 5 in South Korea. My mother had died prior to that point.) I had picture when I was 5 and they were a medium-light brown. When I became almost 100% raw vegan (I ate raw honey) and started talking Niacin, my eyes started to turn blue. The rim of my iris is still blue but hasn't fully developed into blue because I had to b
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Hi Sue, Any time one goes through a dietary modification, the digestive system changes, too. In my opinion, I don't think you're drinking enough water and you're not eating enough fruit. I drink usually more than 2 liters of water a day. 600 ml of water is equivalent to about 2.5 cups and you stated you only drink it 2-3 times per day. If you only drink it twice, that's only 5 cups of water per d
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Hi Anna, Anytime one makes a dietary change to a "lighter/cleaner" diet, the body cleanses/detoxifies. That's what your body did. It even happens to me when I eat 100% raw fruits/veggies and nothing else. The cleansing is healthy for you provided your body has enough minerals/nutrients to keep it functioning. I'm anemic, too, but do not eat animal products. My one exception is ra
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
I wanted to share with you women that are having severe menstrual cramps that I discovered a possible cure today, accidentally. I was having another doozy of a period with terrible pain wherein I couldn't stand comfortably or sit comfortably due to intense cramps and pain. Since I've become modified raw vegan (I eat some cooked vegan and I eat honey.), I don't take an pain medication, including a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Hi Mindy, I use sea salt for saltiness. Some people use Bragg's Liquid Aminos. I don't. Also, it depends on what you are trying to make. Sometimes, I use freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice for a salty-vinegary taste. Experimenting is part of the raw experience. Good luck! Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Well, Mindy, Soy is controversial. Some people use it and some don't. Some say the fermented form is okay, especially in Miso and Tamari or Soy Sauce. Soy in any form is a phytoestrogen or pseudo-estrogen. For me, and I'm from South Korea, since changing my eating over to modified raw vegan, I noticed that I cannot eat soy. It really plays havoc with my hormones. I used to eat soy all the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
I received the very same PM. Gee I thought I was "so" special Thanks for alerting us. Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
michelem, My skin tone got darkish because I wasn't getting sufficient B12. Now, I have my peaches and cream complexion back because I use Red Star Nutritional Yeast which isn't really raw but it's more effective than B-Complex vitamins as I had been taking those for years with no improvement to my dry/chapped lips. I also found that Zinc helps. My skin texture got better in that the acne isn'
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
ChellyRaw, While I didn't have that official diagnosis I went through the same and was on birth controls pills to regulate menstruation. It was a terrible ordeal. I started having terrible yeast infections and I couldn't stop bleeding and got very anemic. I stopped taking the birth control as I was bleeding for 2 months straight and the doctor said I should continue the treatment. I listened to m
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
jmac67, Thanks for posting. I feel that I'm not absorbing the nutrients I'm eating either. I will consider the juice fast. I love Ahret, too. Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
I'm also gluten-free vegan. I have Celiac's disease. I do some cooked but have recently come to appreciate raw kale. PM me if you want more info as this forum is confined to raw vegan. Thanks. Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Hi Shoreroad, If you have prostate cancer, you need to remove the heavy metals from your body and environment. No metal watches or jewelry (18K gold or higher maybe okay but nothing else.), no metal eating utensils or dishes, pots/pans, no aluminum foil, no anti-perspirant with aluminum, etc. You can use plastic utensils. You can read the "Cure To All Cancers" by Hulda Clark. While s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
banana who, The kefir grains cannot grow in just water. The solution is called water kefir because water is used as a base rather than dairy or coconut, etc. The kefir grains use the sugar and or fruit to grow and ferment. Just as wine is fermented fruit, the water kefir is kefir grains in a fruited fermentation. The fermented fruit/sugar water kefir contains up to 3% alcohol according some
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
merry, Water kefir by nature has alcohol due to the fermentation. I had to stop making it even though I liked the taste of the ginger. Tasted like ginger ale. I may try again in the future but right now, I don't want the alcohol in my system. Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
coco, I recently discovered Chana Dal which is an Indian bean. You can cook it with a couple of slices of fresh ginger root or bay leaf and this reduces the gas. You have to skim off the foam throughout cooking. Chana Dal is about an 8 on the glycemic index and about 24% protein. It's amazing. I was eating brown rice bread but it was too glycemic. You have to keep the bread apart from the fill
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Tamukha, That you for your kindness. I'm glad that your health has improved, too! It's great that you thought to test for it and eliminated it anyhow. Wishing you continued good health, Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Thanks Vinny. Good suggestion. Celiac Disease isn't just about wheat but about the gluten found in wheat, barley, spelt (another kind of wheat), and rye. Eating gluten cannot only make a person sterile, it can kill him/her. Also, I wanted to add I added wheat back into my diet because I didn't think I was getting enough of the B-vitamins. Well, as you can see that didn't work out so well.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Hi Everyone, Wanted to share this because it may affect some of you. I've been modified raw vegan for about 8 years and couldn't figure out why I was anemic, fatigued, lethargic, forgetful, etc. I've been battling Candida since 1995 when I went on the Pill for a couple of years. Since becoming modified raw vegan, I did at least two 10-day water fasts and various cleanses and still couldn't figure
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
All dairy is mucus forming. The least harmful is goat milk which is more neutral. A cold is bascially a way for the body to release mucus. I wouldn't suggest eating/drinking dairy if you're trying to overcome a cold. When I started going raw, I kept getting one cold after another and found that I had to give up ice cream in the heat of the Arizona summer as it was causing me to detox in the fo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
jj, I'm borderline anemic, too. I've had to take Solgar Gentle Iron for Vegans (in veggie caps) to supplement my iron. Drinking Young Cocount water sometimes 2-3 in a day or taking chlorophyl is very helpful, too. I'm not sure that you are getting enough calories or nutrients. I used in the beginning to ensure I was receiving proper nutrients. I also recently added chia seeds and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I would smell or muscle-test the produce before buying it. I've gotten fruit or veggies offered to me by my coworkers who wear perfume and when I bit into it, I tasted perfume. I swallowed to be polite but it tasted awful. Most non-raw foodists don't realize they are contaminating the produce with their personal lotions, perfumes, personal sprays, etc. The contaminate could be from another cus
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
When my stepmother died, I didn't cry. My stepsister did. I was 4 years old. When my father died, I cried thinking I was supposed to do so. I was 5 years old. I did cry when I left South Korea because I was going into the unknown. I was 6 years old. We often times don't know what triggers a response: a supressed emotion, a tragic event, a moment of intensity, a social rule, fear, etc.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
This will be controversial. I eat and use raw, unheated, organic honey (with a 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin C crystals (as advised by Hulda Clark)) as a sugar substitute. Many vegans don't use honey. What is vegan is raw dates. I especially like the medjool dates. Honey dates are great, too. I purchased mine from Jaffe Bros.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
HH and Jodi, I had to smile at your posts. HH, I had a green smoothie with cucumber, celery, ginger, spinach, and chia seeds tonight. This was so smiliar to yours. I was so buzzed with energy afterwards. Jodi, I used to love eating cheese (gouda, havarti (my fav), etc.) with apples and other fruit, too. Those were my days of French sophistication. LOL. I hadn't thought of putting nutritiona
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
J - I've made raw, vegan Kimchi. It's hard to find the correct pepper flakes without additives. Many of the pepper flakes are from China rather than Korea. I used a covered bowl to make it. I haven't make it in a couple of years. There is some controversy whether or not fermented foods are good for the body. I've never had Winter Melon. Bok Choi is, as stated above, cabbage. I only ate it coo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Amiot, I found that food combining rules help digestion. Melon should be eaten alone. Sweet fruit should be eaten by itself. Unsweet fruit, like tomatoes can be eaten with other food. You typically don't want proteins and starches together. I found my body functions best on a smaller portion of fruit than veggies but some love their fruit more. My bones start to feel like they are cringing if
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I eat the watermelon seeds along with the watermelon. I find that it helps offset the sweetness. I also eat apple seeds. My friends from Taiwan would buy spiced melon seeds and it is a snack food for them. When I was doing a 10 day rock melon cleanse, I got tired of just the fruit and I then started spinning the seeds in the high speed blender for a change of taste. They were nice. So eat you
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Kop, Thanks for asking the question. I didn't know anything about this plant until you mentioned it. Think it would be better to grow it in a pot. I found some links for seedlings and seeds. Thanks. Therese
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
You're probably still detoxing. I can say that I'm still detoxing and I've been at it for about 7 years but not 100% raw vegan b/c I eat some cooked vegan. It normally takes about a year for the body to settle. Be sure to supplement where you are lacking in nutrients. The first time I started raw vegan, I went 100% RV without any supplementation. My teeth got soft, my hair started falling out
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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