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Results 2101 - 2130 of 2736
10 years ago
They key in reversing aging is not the age itself, it has to do with health, body flexibility, mental abilities.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Not everyone can go to Harvard university. That does not make Harvard a failure. Eating burger is a success because it easy and so many people do it? It takes years of dedication to reverse years of malnutrition and it is only a select few who can do that. It is very hard to grow your own food but it is worth.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
I have tried in the past sprouted wheat and sprouted buckwheat. I read about sprouted rice or sprouted brown rice. The problem is that they are all difficult to eat row.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Why do the seeds have to be put in the freezer while in the store where they came from they were not in the freezer?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
But sesame seeds need to be sprouted.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Nature knows how to protect us against things that may be harmful to us. That is why garlic is not delicious.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
But the garlic is not a food.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Thank I will try the soil method. I prefer to use soil with wheatgrass, and sunflower sprouts.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Interesting that only broccoli has this special property and no other sprout. There is a special scent and smell with this sprout. I prefer to blend it at low speed and keep the smoothie in the mouth for a long time. I should get into making great salad.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Great info. will try to get into broccoli sprouts. They are hard to grow from past experience.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
It looks like a lot of work for little gain. Sprout for days, dehydrate, and grind... Why not just eat the fresh sprouts.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
But sprouted grains and beans remain still indigestible. The options left are to cook them or ferment them but cooking and fermentation have their limits. So the choice is between eating fruits and lettuces that are easily digestible but less nutritious and sprouted grains and beans with higher nutrients but put a burden on your digestive system.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
banana who Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > RawPracticalist Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > > > sco-report/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 > > > > We shall all eat raw and organic > > > ??? I don't get it. We SHALL? Or we SHOULD? > > I thought it had already
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
We shall all eat raw and organic
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Raw vegans do not eat insects
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
You are a winner maybe the oils in the Conductivity diet help with digestion
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Maybe there are some problems with digesting raw food that those gurus are not telling us. The sprouts and veggies eaters are taking digestive enzyme capsules. The fruit eaters are not. So in conclusion ...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Pounds and Pounds of blueberries are eaten in the summer without no major health effect on most. The reason: Impaired digestive system. There is no benefit gain without resolving this issue and for most, years of eating fried food, fried fats, improperly combined foods cannot be reversed in a short time. Reversing aging is the result of the body working properly from all angles.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
2120. Re: fear
I guess maybe there is a relationship between rawfood and fear. IF THOU ARE HEALTHY THOU WILL NOT FEAR ANYTHING. Corinthians 1:99999
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
The problem with seeds and nuts is that they are not digestible for most with impaired system. Even when sprouted, there is still some degree of concerns. What to do? Avoid them? Ferment them? Eat them with digestive enzymes? They have good nutrients there is no question. When you are eating a well ripe mango, you do not need digestive enzymes. It is unfortunate fruits of
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
THeSt0rm Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So what if we are crying for ourselves? is that > not also part of expression so we can then move on > and work on ourselves? > > It may not be ideal, but it's still can be > considered "normal" part of expression, and should > not be repressed. > > And surely not made to fe
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
There is probably no pill or enzyme to reverse aging. It should come from the entire body functioning optimally from nutrition, exercise, meditation, and proper rest.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
There are parents who have never stopped crying for the lost of their child, even though the child was sick, suffering, and is now in better and peaceful place. Annually they will go to the burial place, place so flowers (which is good), and cry for a long time. So our crying sometimes is more selfish, ignorant. We are not crying for the child but for us, for having lost companionship.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Nobody should cut down a tree just for sake of cutting it down. The same for a fruit or any other living organism. But the important thing to remember is that lower life form evolves more in consciousness through the cycle of rebirth. Death will lead to a new re-birth with a higher degree of awareness. The more rebirths the better. Do not feel guilty for taking a tomato from a tre
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
If your friend is travelling to a far away beautiful country, you are excited about his opportunity, you are happy about him. The problem about the after-death is that we do not know, or the church has told us that the soul will remain dormant until Christ come to resurrect the worthy, and send the bad to hell. And we believe the church teachings and when our time is approaching we are afr
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
You should not feel bad. He is in a better place. It is a plane of love, forgiveness, and peace. He is probably looking down and reading this forum from our thoughts. He is probably saying I LOVE THIS FORUM. He is probably saying I LOVE YOU MY FRIENDS. We love you back WheagrassYogi.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
"According to the Chinese philosophical classic Zhuangzi, the great Daoist thinker of that name fell asleep one day and dreamed that he was a butterfly. When he woke up, he did not know whether he really was a man who had dreamed he was a butterfly or whether he was a butterfly now dreaming he was a man. "
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
2129. Re: karma
Even parents down here on earth know that. A child who tears his clothes, trashing them will not get shiny clothes until he behaves. Because the parents love him. Want him to change.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Most highly evolved souls do not stay on earth that long. They come for a special purpose, mission and leave when it is done. Life down here is more like being in prison. Less get done and more get done up there. The demands of the body and of society are too much
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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