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15 years ago
Hi there, My husband and I sell truly raw almonds. We are local farmers in Durham California and sell most of our raw almonds at the local farmer's market. You can PM me if you are interested.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
best plant source = pumpkin seeds. it's hard to get enough minerals from fruits and veggies alone since our soil has become demineralized from mass agriculture. we're not living in the same evironment as our ancestors did. As Utopian Life said, we can get plenty of protein from fruits and veggies alone! sprouts too! greens and nuts/seeds are more mineral rich (depending on
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
for an oil free moisterizer that REALLY works and is TOTALLY AWESOME for sensitive skin: Rose water with glycerin. It is in liquid form, you buy it in a spray bottle. You can probably get it at a natural food store. Ask around. The glycerin acts as a humectant...which holds water molecules to the skin. I used to break out ALL the time using anything with oil...and I have rosacea
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Next Tuesday is the big day at House of Nature's Own! On July 22nd, there will be a lecture on the philosophy and science of the RAW Food Lifestyle. Some of the topics to be covered: Why eat raw foods? What happens to foods when you cook them? Toxemia. Attaining your natural weight. Supporting your immune system: decreasing inflammatory conditions, saying good-bye to allergies, colds
Forum: Raw and Living Food Events
16 years ago
ps. thanks for the tip about the Hydrogen Peroxide...i have used it in the past. i'll have to get some more. though now, a few months out of citrus season and by eating lots of GREEENS, my teeth have almost recovered! i only get pain when i eat super sweet stuff like dates. whew!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
thanks for the support, guys! sometimes one just needs to hear that others have gone/or are going through the same thing! the last few days i've really been thinking about the boundries i have created... why i've made it so black and white for myself. i have been reflecting on why i have set up so many limits for myself (not eating more than one avo/day....eating high fruit, lower fat)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
hi everyone! thanks for all your replies! far as my appetite goes, i definitely still have one! i wait untill i'm hungry to eat...and in the past four years, i ate sweet fruit and was completely satisfied. now, when i'm hungry, sweet fruit is definitely NOT what i want to eat. when i do try to eat sweet fruit, it doesn't resonate with me at all! i feel unsatisfied and jittery
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
hi all, just wanted to get some opinions on my most current raw adventure. i've been raw for almost five years. up until recently, i was eating lots of sweet fruit and little fat. for example, i would mono-eat seasonal fruit throughout the day, drink at least 1 green smoothie and usually eat 1/2 - 1 avocado per day. this past winter was a rough one for me. ater eating lots of cit
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Yeah, I think Dr. D has some explaining to do as well. There is no credible research backing his statements. The book contains nothing but his own opinions and experiences. I think the whole calorie thing is a bunch of bologna, along with the fact that he is comparing apples to oranges in making his points about eating low-fat. He's riding on the back of MD's like Dean Ornish, Essyltein, Ba
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
when i eat mangos, i get tiny itchy patches around my mouth/ itches almost like poisen oak.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
i drink juice whenever i feel the urge...usually a big 32oz Mason Jar full at a time...probably 5-6 of those throughout the day. i've been drinking straight up orange juice, carrot/orange juice, green juices (celery, kale, apple, lemon, ginger), spicy juice--my favorite--(tomato, carrot, bell pepper, basil or cilantro or dill, garlic, red onion, romaine, celery), watermelon juice, beet/carrot/
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
16 years ago
Well, I'm on day #8 and I'm still hungry...although I'm used to it by now. Only 2 more days to go! LOVE! m
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
16 years ago
thanks for the replies. one more question: will hunger be aggravated more if i do fruit juices vs. veggie juices (due to flucutuations in blood sugar)? as of now, i am doing a mixture of both. thanks! love, m
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
16 years ago
hi ya'll, just wondering if and when the hunger pains leave whilst doing a juice fast. i'm pretty early in the game (Day #2), but i've been super hungry the last 48 hours. i'm planning on a 10 day juice fast...i hope i'm not hungry the entire time! experiences??? love, m.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
16 years ago
Madinah, as i said,you must meet your CALORIE REQUIREMENTS to meet your protein requirements. If you are eating a VARIETY of plant foods and meeting your caloric requirements, you will not become deficient in protein. The World Health Organization states that you only need 5% of your calories from dietary protein to maintain your amino acid pool. The additional protein we use is from an i
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Madinah, You are absolutely correct about Kwashiorkor and protein malnutrition which happens in DEVELOPING countries where people DO NOT recieve adequate nutrition. Not only are they STARVING by not eating enough calories, but they are only consuming plant foods such as white rice and various other (minimal) plant foods. There is no variety or abundance of plant foods to meet their calorie n
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
BUN does is NOT an indicator of protein is an indicator of Blood Urea Nitrogen. It is directly related to the amount of nitrogen (as a by-product of protein metabolism) that is being excreted through the urine. People that are eating a plant based diet usually have lower BUN values, compared to people that are eating a high (animal) protein diet, who usually have values within
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
raw food isn't just about the's a lifestyle and, in many ways, it is how one values themselves and the environment. being raw is a big part of who i am (not just what i eat),and i would seriously NOT consider being with someone who wasn't compassionate and conscious about how their choices affect their health and the world at large, whether they are SAD, vegetarian, vegan or raw.
Forum: Meeting Place
16 years ago
on workdays (monday thru friday) i usually eat this: breakfast: 40 oz Fresh Squeezed OJ Lunch: Greens (Romaine or Spinach or Sprouts) + Avocado; small fruit salad. pre-workout snack: 40 oz Fresh Squeezed OJ or fruit. Dinner: Green Smoothie= banana, kale, persimmon, papaya, mint. + a small handful of raw nuts or seeds.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
P.s. our liver makes cholesterol! we NEED cholesterol to make hormones. it is the primary component in the make up of all cells, it helps develop the membranes. Cholesterol is made or synthesized into bile acids, steroid hormones, and vitamin D for the body. So, even if you aren't eating it, your body makes it! So don't be too hard on yourself! maybe your cholesterol has decreased over
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
greg.... are you sure your bad cholesterol is 214? that number looks like it could be your TOTAL cholesterol. your bad cholesterol is called "LDL" and the good stuff is "HDL". you add the two together and you get a TOTAL. get a copy of the labs to make sure! if your TOTAL cholesterol is 214...that is only slightly high (should be under 200). doctors love to p
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
even if it is the skin, it's still too close for comfort for me!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
so, apparently they are injecting oranges with food coloring. it was stated on another post by a very reputable source. i did an internet search and it confirmed the allegation! i'm assuming that the organic ones are free from the infused crap, but i'm concerned with the fact that i do indulge in conventional oranges from time to time (like when i get OJ's from Jamba Juice). bummer.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
yay for persimmons!!!! they are my second favorite fruit on to figs, of course! uma...i'm called the fig lady in these parts too! cheers uti and uma! i've just eaten 8 of those babies for breakfast....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... much love and a hug, m.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
whuuuuuuut????????? they INJECT oranges with food grade dye? how are you supposed to know which ones are safe to eat? are ALL coventional oranges injected with that crap? does this mean i have to give up my jamba juice OJ's???????? BIG sad face, m.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
i sent you a private message, mark.... love, *m*
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
there came a point with me when i WANTED to be healthy more than i wanted to smoke. and after being raw for awhile, smokes were starting to make me feel sick. i went cold turkey....after ten years of pack/day. AND i started exercising which made me feel even healthier! after a few weeks of jogging everyday, i didn't want to mess up my progress with a bloody smoke! much lov
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
the astringent persimmons ripen after a frost. if you dedide to give these amazing fruits a try, you can ripen them to heavenly sweetness just by placing them in the freezer. pull them out as you desire and let them defrost.... what you will get is a sweet jelly ball of yum-yum! do it! love, *m*
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
quinoa is actually a seed, not a grain. it is the seed born from the goosefoot plant. love, *m*
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
i had similiar STRONG urges for tofu/beans/protein for quite some time after going raw. in fact, these were the toughest foods for me to eliminate. however, the longer i stayed away from these foods, the less frequent these "protein" cravings arose. looking back, i don't think it was a craving for protein per se....but instead for *cooked food*. i hope this helps! love
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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