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12 years ago
I'm in the process of buying another house. This one has a Garbage Disposal. I can't compost where I'm moving, so my question is...has anyone here used a Garbage Disposal for juicer's Pulp, and Fruit and Veggie scraps, and Melon Rinds? I have been just putting it all in the Garbage, but the bags get quite heavy at times...especially when I go on a Melon Kick......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
mindy66 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ..... I have no idea how to eat this stuff. The best way to eat Dulse is in a Green Smoothie. You might also add Chlorella. Forget Salads...too much chewing, and only a small amount of the salad is masticated well enough to extract nutrition......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
leesamahree Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ...... I finally took the plunge today and got my Omega 8006. I have an Omega 8004, which is the same juicer....only the color is different. I use mine exclusively for Celery Juice......WY P.S. Hope you enjoy your 8006.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
12 years ago
Jalan....That was interesting about the grades of Stainless Steel. Nice to see you're still around. I'm still using my Omega 4000 (centrifugal)...not as efficient as an Angel, but I like it......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
12 years ago
raw_curious Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- .... How do you use the clay to grow the grass? Just mix a teaspoon, or so, in the water you use......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
raw_curious Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- .... Where do you get it - do you have a favorite brand or supplier? I went through a phase once where I tried all the Clays that could be taken internally. I found that Pascalite (Calcium based Bentonite) had the strongest 'pulling power'. It was good for growing Wheatgrass too......WY P.S. Pascalite is a small comp
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
rzman10001 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ..... I drink almost a gallon of water a day myself and don't find it unusual. I would like a second opinion. LOL. I guess it depends on your level of activity. Strange though...I don't picture Brian Clement as being very active. He's always wearing a suit, dress shirt, and tie......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
rzman10001 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Brian Clement drinks one gallon of distilled water a day! Where do you get your information? He would have to spend a good portion of each day urinating. The purer your diet, the less water you need. Tonya Zavasta doesn't drink water, or use water in her Green Smoothies. She does use fresh Juices......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
1) "Fruit the Food and Medicine for Man"...Morris Krok 2) "Survival in the 21st Century"...Victoras Kulvinskas 3) "Quantum Eating"...Tonya Zavasta
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
gardengrub Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- .... The other day I was in Target and saw the Nutri Bullet. It was from the same people who make the Magic bullet and I figured it was a rip off and not worth the $99 Target was charging so I skipped it. My mother uses something similar that she bought at Wal-Mart. I forget the brand, but she's always raving about it
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
12 years ago
You forgot to tell us where you live......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
banana who Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ....I am curious if anyone has ever gotten a large bag and how you keep the dulse soft. Yes, I have. Dulse stays softer than any other sea vegetable without doing anything special. My Sea Lettuce has long ago dried out, but my Dulse is still soft. I used to add sea vegetables to my Green Smoothies, but quit doing it f
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I just found one I like better, plus it's more affordable......WY
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
All you Guys are so healthy, you could sleep on a hard floor and wake up refreshed. But if you have a bad Back, like I do, the mattress is most important to relieve the pressure. I'm leaning towards the Energie Opus, but at $3,511 even I have to draw-the-line......WY
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
riverhousebill Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > There are up to 61 chemicals in your average memory foam mattress. Thanks Bill for your good information. That helped me decide. Natural Latex will be my next to find a good one. All suggestions will be greatly appreciated......WY
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
pborst Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ...... I don't buy that single auger is better than twin auger anymore. Cheaper, easier to clean, yes. But lower yields as the trade off. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. With the centrifugal style juicers, I'm going to continue using my Omega 4000, even though Omega has come out with a superior model...the BMJ390, tha
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
12 years ago
Prana Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- .....It might be easier, after you've done your homework, to start with a 2 or 3 day water fast. You can practice the refeeding part, which is the most dangerous part of the fast. Refeeding is also the most important part, as well as being the most dangerous part. Anyone can do a 2 or 3 day Water Fast, but not everyone can
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
michelemm Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ..... also, I want to keep working out as well. Save your energy for healing. The best fast is an Absolute Fast...where nothing, not even Water, is taken in. The best fasting forum is at CureZone....Chrisb1 will answer all serious questions......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Molli Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ...... I'm thinking I'll pay up to $500 for a juicer and looking for something that is easy to clean. Any recommendations? That's a loaded question. Every juicer made can be Shot Down. I'd suggest you keep (or upgrade) your centrifugal for Carrots and Celery, and buy a single-auger for Greens......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
12 years ago
pborst Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ....... The one I think that might be of most interest here is a 94 slide presentation on designing an optimal raw diet Thanks Paul. It was very well presented!! I got some new fact, I just prepared a breakfast for tomorrow morning unlike any other I have ever tried......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Prana Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ......but to me flax is inedible. Why?...because the oil turns rancid, or they're just difficult to chew. I've had good success with Flax seeds in my Green Smoothies, with the Vitamix doing the chewing......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
fresherthanlife Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Annette Larkins is Amazing. I see a lot of 'Green' in her Garden. Does she drink Olive Oil too? She looks 30 and her husband looks 80......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
WheatgrassYogi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ....If this video doesn't inspire you Such a Great video, and not the first comment. I guess we live on different Planets....or maybe it's me?? I wept like a Baby when I first saw the video. I could visualize myself in his shoes, and saw what I can become......WY
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
RawPracticalist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ... I will stick with the oils in avocado and coconut. Well I hope you don't think I was trying to get you to change your Oil(s)? I was asking those here who prefer Olive Oil (as I do) what they thought of Unpressed Olive Oil. I have Avocado and Coconut oils in my pantry, and use them both on occasion......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
This Olive Oil is unheated, and UNPRESSED!!...never getting over 70 degrees Fahrenheit. What do you guys think? I'm considering bathing in it daily, followed by a massage......WY P.S. Don't look at the prices.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
RawPlease Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- ...... I sleep on the floor on top of a couple cushiony blankets. Your body sretches after several days so that it becomes comfortable. That's one way to do it. However, for me, being domesticated, a natural Latex Foam (sap from Rubber Trees) would be a better way. But I may end up with a Tempurpedic Memory Foam....too
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
Rawne....I just looked at CureZone, and see that Chirontherainbowbridge is a proponent of EFT. Is that the same thing?......WY
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
I could be wrong, but I believe Chiron at the Water Fasting forum at CureZone is the one to contact......WY
Forum: Other Health Related
12 years ago
pborst Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- .....Mostly likely the centrifugal juicer oxidized the juice more than the press. Paul....Have we ever agreed on anything? LOL...and that's okay. I'm just going by my experience...the color of the juice, and the taste. I've never had a heat issue with any of the centrifugal juicers I've used. I think one reason for that i
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
12 years ago
z2704186 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- .....then I would have bought one of their blenders yesterday. I can only tell you what I would do based on years of experience and mistakes. The Bottom Line...."Do something even if it's wrong"......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
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