Results 61 - 90 of 504
12 years ago
pborst Wrote:
.....In the end, 5 out of 5 stars... not recommended if you have a twin gear juicer..
I owned a Norwalk Press Juicer many years ago. That experience ranks as one of my biggest Mistakes ever, and I've made quite a few. But as the old saying goes..."You have to kiss a lot of Frogs before you meet Prince Charming"
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
z2704186 Wrote:
.....I am now on a journey to find a replacement. I had been leaning towards a vitamix 5200
I've tried just about brand of Juicer and Blender on the market over the years. When it comes to Blenders, Vitamix has them all beat......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
If this video doesn't inspire you, nothing will.
Warning!! Be prepared to have a good Cry......WY
Forum: Other Health Related 12 years ago
I thought it might be beneficial to add Raw Oats to my Green Smoothies, so I bought a KoMo FlocMan designed specifically for flaking oats. Now I'm having second thoughts that sprouting the oats may be even better.
Does anyone have an opinion about this?......WY
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening 12 years ago
The presentation is a bit crude, but his message is Spot-on.
I might add that Quantity is more important than Quality......WY
P.S. I have a new respect for Matt after viewing this video.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
I'm thinking about upgrading to Memory Foam or Natural Latex. If anyone is sleeping on Latex, what Brand do you have?......WY
Forum: Other Health Related 12 years ago
Prism Wrote:
......I'd say keep your adverse opinions to yourselves on a thread like this..it's not welcomed.
You mean if we don't agree with you, we can't make a comment on this thread?
You have to be carefull on long Juice Fasts that you're Fasting, and not Starving. That means you have to drink too much Juice. Far better to go on a
Forum: Other Health Related 12 years ago
It's called the Miracle MJ550SS. I owned one years ago. Listen to how loud it is...sounds like it's about to fly apart.
I stumbled onto this video looking for a way to grow Wheatgrass outdoors......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
12 years ago
70. Re: buddhism
Anything by Alan Watts gives a good insight into Buddhism....particularly Zen.
Here's a short talk you may (or may not) find interesting......WY
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
banana who Wrote:
.....the Nearings (Scott and Helen) used to fast on T-Day.
I remember the Nearings. They wrote a monthly column for the Mother Earth News many years ago. They drank deep Well Water. She lived to be 91, he 100. They were Homesteaders from Maine......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
For colon cleansing, I might recommend Stanley Burroughs' "Salt Water Flush", which is part of his Master Cleanser program. One needs to prep the Bowels first......WY
P.S. Forget the Lemonade part of his cleanse.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
As is my custom, I'll be Dry Fasting for the 24-hour period. I bet no one else can say that!!......WY
P.S. I'm a Hermit with no social obligations, so it's quite easy for me....Christmas and Easter too.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
newhoove Wrote:
> I'm returning it WY!
Why don't you just buy a Vitamix, and be done with it?......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
newhoove Wrote:
> I bought a Ninja NJ600 Professional Blender for work.
Well, the price is right. I see they're $99 at Target.
It will do okay, but don't expect it to blend like a Vitamix......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
Panchito Wrote:
....he does not have a job and lives from creating raw food related infromation.
He's probably a good speaker too. Does anyone know for sure if he travels and lectures? The current crop leaves me a little Cold......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
That Frederic Patenaude always puts out very Professional information. Either he's a Genius, and/or he has a brilliant Staff......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
michelemm Wrote:
> Just curious, what is your diet like currently?
Mum's the Word. It's best not to discuss what you eat and drink. If you do, you open yourself up for attack......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
michelemm Wrote:
> THank you for the reminder. WheatgrassYogi Wrote:
And Thank You for writing. I very seldom get a response to my posts.
One final thought....
"It's the condition of your Nervous System that causes you to see the World as you do"......Alan Watts
I'm afraid all stimulants are out. That includes Fruit Suga
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
kwan Wrote:
.....I keep returning to the liquidarian path, not as
> the final goal, but as a step toward my ultimate
> goal of living entirely on prana.
Kwan....I enjoyed reading your post. Perhaps there is no final, or ultimate, goal, but rather "The Path is the Goal" (Chinese Proverb), and let our personal Evolution
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
81. Re: SPAM
banana who Wrote:
......Sometimes I wonder why this stuff is allowed on here...
I got two of the same thing.......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
jonl138 Wrote:
> ......I would like to find one that I don't have to clean after the first shot in the morning but rather only have to clean it at the end of the day after a few uses.
All dedicated Wheatgrass Juicers are easy to clean. Mine (a Wheateena Green Label) has only three cleanable parts. I have purchased wheatgrass juicers on
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
Especially with Blending.....or the way one prepares their Food. There's a certain 'energy' we put into our food during the prep.
I learned a new Technique a few days ago that I'd like to share with this little group. Some of you may like to try it. You'll need a blender with a variable-speed dial.
To avoid splash-up or 'bounce' (and making a big Mess), use the dial (from 1 to 10) in such a way
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
coco Wrote:
> We're farm sitting again, the same property as
> last year only this is a longer term engagement.
There's no feeling like being 'secure' in your home and surroundings. Too bad it can't be a permanent arrangement.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
banana who Wrote:
> I just found it to be an enjoyable video.
I wonder why he talks so much without letting Angela say
very much? And why is their baby, Oria, so fat?......WY
P.S. Love his pre-Raw haircut.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Arazor Wrote:
> so yeah i need some help and guidance on what i
> can get and how i can chnage things so i can go
> 100%
If you're serious, you have just begun a lifetime journey. If
you're not serious, you have also begun. Many here talk-the-talk, but haven't
yet gotten into walking-the-walk.
My best advice is to vary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
87. Re: quotes
"Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance?"......
Phyllis Diller (July 17, 1917-August 20, 2012) RIP.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 12 years ago
88. Re: Fasting
jalanutan Wrote:
.....Or will there be no difference?
Try it and see...every Body is a little different while being
basically the same.
Dry Fasting is 3 times more effective than Water Fasting.
I'm presently on a short Water Fast. If you go on one, let us know your
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
89. Re: Raw Cereal
fresherthanlife Wrote:
> My cut-off is generally very young sprouts, maybe
> a day or so past when you first see the "tails"
Thanks for your input. I'm now doing a 24-hour window....soaking
for 8-hours, and then sprouting for 16-hours. The roots and tail are just
beginning to form. This allows using only one jar eve
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
rawne Wrote:
> Anyone know of an online source?
Those will be hard to find. I don't think Pine Nuts are meant
for Human consumption.
It's a consensus with many that all nuts are too concentrated in nutrients
for Humans.
Share your views with us......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |