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Results 91 - 120 of 2576
13 years ago
Starting a veggetable juice fast (carrot/celery/beet) tomorrow. :-)
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
13 years ago
Amen to Coco's words. Curator, we love you exactly as you are!-- you are awesome, and your opinions about what works for you nutritionally are totally valid. Look at me: I'm not vegan anymore. I can't talk about it much here, but I had to make changes in order to stay optimally healthy. You're in good company.
Forum: Other Health Related
13 years ago
Seeing a lot of talk on Facebook and elsewhere about how to deal with possible radiation effects. Here's a sugggestion: Doctors in the USSR completely healed hundreds of the severely ill victims of Chernobyl, including restoring damaged DNA to normal(!), through the following: 1)do a thorough cleanse regime for several days; 2) dry fast. These people were dying! They were completely healed on al
Forum: Other Health Related
13 years ago
Hi Tam and WY! Missed you guys. I've been doin' my own thing, straightening out my diet (doing well!, but only raw some of the time), and real busy. I've been doing LOTS of online art stuff lately, really having a great time.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I take a shower every day, unless I'm camping (in which case I jump in the ocean a few times a day) or going to the gym (in which case I get an extra shower in sometimes). Once in awhile I'll take a bath instead of a shower, especially in the winter.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
13 years ago
Victorus's book was one of 2 books that were my introduction to the raw diet; my first was one of Arnold Ehret's books given to me by a friend. This was way back in 1977.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Hey friends, MERRY CHRISTMAS.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! All the best!--
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
13 years ago
Norman Walker lived to 99, but like the above gentleman, he ate animal protein.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
13 years ago
Dear friends, It's been so sweet and rewarding being a part of such a vibrant movement since the 1980s (and being on the rawfoods forums since the early '90s) and I've met so many wonderful people in the raw food community, but I've recently made some radical changes in my life and I'm off in a totally new direction... and I want to say good-bye, with love and appreciation, but also with honest
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
13 years ago
Guys, read the article again. He follows a Paleo diet: "Bernando eats primarily raw fruits, veggies and FISH. MEAT is a treat only once a year." He's NOT a vegan raw foodist. Very few vegan raw foodists live to s ripe old age, unfortunately.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
13 years ago
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd. --Rumi
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
13 years ago
Last I heard we WERE allowed to post political news related to the food supply and relevant directly to the raw food movement. Or has that changed? There's been a lot of censorship here in recent months.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
13 years ago
Dr. Laura always seemed extremely condescending, arrogant, and deluded to me, I'm very glad she's off the air. She appeals to a certain crowd however, and no doubt she'll pick up the pieces and we'll hear from her again in some other outrageous context.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
> Do you happen to know if Jonathan's high HDL is genetic? < Suncloud-- As far as I know, it's not. I think it's just his diet and healthy lifestyle. He doesn't eat much at all; hardly ever touches sugar or starch, doesn't snack, and eats rather small meals. His HDL last time he went to the doctor was 99. >Love your picture! Hope you're doing real well.< Thanks! ;-) Finally
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
If your 'bad' cholesterol is TOO low, that can be bad too-- surprisingly, people with very low LDL are prone to strokes and other problems. My husband has very high HDL and fairly low (but not super-low) LDL, and his inflammation test (which is really a better indicator than the cholesterol test, I'm told) came back zero. (He eats a basically low carb non-vegan diet, though.)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
>"While the others were starving I was fasting".< Love that one, Lightform.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Ooops--- sorry I kind of hijacked the thread, coco. :-o
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
LaV-- Oooh, I'd love to have tall black boots (made of hemp plastic of course) and a nice mid-size black motorcycle! A chic 'lady' style black nylon or Gortex biker jacket, too. Rrrrrrr! Tamukha-- Really? You didn't look any different? Interesting. I know I look quite a bit different with short hair, and I was pretty nervous about it, to tell you the truth. Last time I chopped it off (about 10
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
hahaha!-- hell's angel, lol! Yes, I'm over my little 'purple princess' thingie that I had goin' for a very long time. Needed to change. The picture makes me look tougher than I really look in 'real life,' and doesn't show how platinum and shiny my hair looks in regular light. I'm still wearing make-up, a bit of jewelry... just a little more mod looking, and no purple clothes! :-) I'm thrilled!
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
coco-- Love the way you put that; it's the way I see it too.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Hi Mislu, I don't believe in curses, per se, but I do believe that in the natural flow of life, there are ups and downs, and human beings tend to want to divert from the unpleasant 'down' periods in their lives, as if they didn't exist. (A lot of teachings these days emphasize this concept that if you are 'in tune' you don't have to ever suffer.) I believe that even the most wonderful, positive,
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Thank you, coco-- wisdom much needed by earth's inhabitants, especially the ones in the Western countries.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
<<<<<<<<<hugs to you, sweet girl>>>>>>>>>>>
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Wow, I couldn't watch more than a couple minutes of that. And I'm not usually squeamish-- my mate eats a little meat (cooked only!!-- well cooked!) and vegies & raw food, and he's 66 and very, very healthy, so I'm not totally turned off by the idea of people eating some meat in their diet, but raw meat just totally turns me off. Ugh. I never could even understand the concept of eating raw sus
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Mona-- When I practiced it for 2-3 weeks a couple of different times, it was phenomenal. I lost weight and felt great. People said "What are you doing??" What happened that made me quit? I'm not sure! Maybe I just wasn't ready. I want to try again. I have never seen weight drop so fast (while still eating, rather than doing a stringent fast, anyway), and my stomach went from bloated to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
>Not sure where you received your LE training but it it NOT illegal to taze a non-aggressive person. I can taze you for non-compliance. The tazer is the same as using pepper spray on the use of force continuum.< Nubster, you sound like an angry person. I don't believe tazering is appropriate in many of the situations in which it's used. Sounds like this was one. You are so personally
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Tragic. I'm so sorry. Barbaric. What is happening to this country? If you can't move to another country, here's another possibility: consider moving to a kinder, gentler, more inclusive and progressive community. I live in a city (Cambridge, MA) that honors human rights, disability rights, gay rights, the First Amendment rights of street performers and protesters, the right to a living wage,
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Hi Guys! I've been creating and recording ambient 'new age' music for years, but the last couple years I've returned to jazz and I finally have a CD. Just wanted to share a few free MP3s from it. (Note: this is not in any way an advertisement because I don't even have the CD online for sale.) Check out my new Latin jazz tunes (there are 4 now and I may add a couple more this week) at the top of
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
14 years ago
Thanks, friends! Love you!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Tam-- I think you're right about the hat. I've also heard that he has a full head of hair, so he isn't trying to hide anything. I like the way he looks.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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