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13 years ago
having seen people with the lifelong crippling effects of polio I am really happy I got vaccinated against it too....I am sure whatever harm the vaccine did me is less than the disease....
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Well I agree also that I wouldn't want to give most of the vaccines that are pushed on children ...same time I find it hard to believe prana that vaccines have had no part in stopping the spread of certain disease and its only due to better hygiene - just wondering where you learnt that.... I guess most people if bitten by a street dog in a foreign country would opt for a rabies vaccine as the l
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Smallpox (and others) is no longer a threat in the world because of vaccinations.....I guess even if vaccines aren't that great for the body I have to be grateful for that....
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I think you can get kits to grow reishi at home if you want to buy I don't know yet how easy it is - I am planning to try a few varieties. I think they can be grown on logs or on sawdust. For sleep apnea also check the buteyko technique - in my experience it is a very good thing...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
just wondering if milks can be made from raw sprouted grains such as sprouted rice or others? i guess answer is to try but wondering if anyone knows...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
i have tried some cocoa fruit. It is pretty tasty but i dont think I could eat a lot of it in one go...fruit bats / squirrels here like it. why are the seeds inedible??
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
do you get the same thing if you eat more solid things like muesli? maybe then having the fruits midmorning? just wondering... I know warm lemon water is supposed to be super healthy but I find it to be very diuretic and hunger producing....dont know why as other people dont seem to get that effect.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I dont know about cooked rice being toxic....I kind of doubt it...I don't at the moment plan to give it up so I could sometimes make rice milk from it... I live in a country where the vast majority of people could never afford to eat the kind of diets some people here are eating.only the 10 oranges / bananas etc. a day for all the family would cost many people much more than their entire daily s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I'm not any kind of expert on the topic - the lion's mane mushroom was just something I came across - its seems to have some specific function for nerves - i'm not sure if the other medicinal mushrooms do. But as far as if the myelin sheath can regenerate - I have read cases of people who through a gluten free diet have kept their MS in remission for many years and also recovered from quite dis
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I was researching mushroom growing the other day as I'd like to have some mushrooms in my diet, and I came up with the fact that Lion's mane mushroom is supposed to be highly good for nerve regeneration and useful in MS. It is not something I have any experience with - I found it interesting though so thought I would mention it....
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
curator how do you make the rice milk? Thank you very much
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I can't say whether the sleeping and tiredness is a positive thing or not as I'm not an expert but I can say that the same thing happened to me after I did some fasting and then started eating more raw foods after. I was sleeping all the time and it was a real effort to pull myself out of the deep sleep I was getting.I also felt quite headachy. I was really irritated thinking I'd done myself harm
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
neem oil / leaf is supposed to work really well but I dont have any personal experience with it.
Forum: Other Health Related
13 years ago
I wonder if you could try growing trays of amaranth in potting soil? dont know how it would work but my experience is that it is pretty unfussy about where its growing, how much light etc. as long as your indoor temperature isnt too cold. I grow it in trays and cuts leaves for salads when the plants are small size (bigger than microgreen idea).
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
13 years ago
I also dont know the answer to this as by the time the permanent leaves come I suppose the original bean has totally changed. However since there are many other types of beans that you could use in the same way that would seem safer why not pass on the limas and try other types out?
Forum: Sprouting and Organic Gardening
13 years ago
coco the link you posted seems to be about some craft supplies or something? can you repost it? In my link the you tube thing was about buddha boy but the link didnt come OK as it just says - dont know how to fix that but it will be easy to find by searching buddha boy and documentary... I also doubt it will be ever practised large scale but I think its nice to know possibilities...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Hi - as far as sunstar goes I would like to know what is coconut yoghurt!! About breathariansim, living off sun energy I'm not really out to convince anyone of this - I have experienced too many things in life that scientists can't explain to find it difficult to believe but at the same time with anything like this it will always be controversial. I'm not very up on internet information about t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I have always learnt that candida can't live in acid environment and thrives in alkaline which is why if you have thrush, boric acid pessaries are one quite well known treatment. I asked a naturopath in India where I live and took a fasting treatment about eating sugar /fruits and candida. he didnt think sugar would have that much effect unless you are a diabetic and unable to stabalise your blo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Hi - I am a bit confused by exactly what is WIFI as I'm not very well educated about this type of thing. I have a broad band internet connection with a modem but it is wireless. is that the same thing as WiFI? Should I then be better using it with a cable and only using wireless in case of any special need? If I use it with the cable but the Wireless capability is still there will it still be
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Hi I dont know much about green smoothies for 7 days but I have used EFT quite a lot and it has done wonders for me - more than diet changes in fact so it's a great idea to use that!!! I have done most work alone but a little bit with a practitioner too and that was really helpful to me...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Curry leaves and amla aren't essential - I have curry leaf tree in my garden and amla from the market here locally. Amla preserves its vitamin C in cooking or drying I think but fresh is nice although they're really hard to eat if you don't blend them into something - very bitter and sour mixed together. I think the chutney always taste better when local women make it because they use a large
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
13 years ago
I have researched the topic of living on solar energy or breatharianism a little bit and there seem to be too many cases well studied for them all to be hoaxes. At the same time I am not promoting or thinking of becoming a breatharian!! but I do think its interesting to know the potential of a human. The point of sungazing is not really going without food I dont think, but for me anyway I am t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I would also agree that eating a lot of beans could be the problem. They have that effect on me too and I only eat them very now and then.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Yes I do make coconut milk sometimes and its great - I just have to get better at opening them without depending on my husband to do it.... I guess the only kind of economical nuts/seed here relative to the economy I have are sesame seeds and peanuts but peanuts seem like something to have only in moderation... thank you for all the help!!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I stayed in a naturopathy/ fasting centre here in India for about 2 weeks. They have a lot of diabetics there under treatment (diabetes is a huge problem here) and many of them are fasting - some for 2 weeks or so. They have a very good reputation of getting diabetics to control their condition very well. I wouldnt of course recommend someone diabetic doing that treatment alone but I just mean th
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
any savoury non-sweet recipes? it's just my problem that I dont like a lot of sweet things and I wondered about something oaty and savoury...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Hi, I live in India at the moment where raw food is not very common (even side salads). The one raw food I really like making here is coconut chutney (here called chowmundy although that is for sure not the correct spelling but how it's pronounced.It is not a sweet chutney but what is locally called chutney. The basic version just involves ground coconut and chillis with some water and salt. ho
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
13 years ago
Hi - unfortunately no hemp seeds available here either - I suppose they might come here in about 10 years time or something!! So when I was making a squash curry (not raw on that occasion) I took the whole seeds, put them in the grinder cup of the blender and blended them with some water, then strained it through a plastic mesh sieve. The result was a not bad milk, but it didn't have a lot of
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
I would also say to you get your thyroid checked out properly if its so hard to lose weight and did you get your blood sugar checked and any other tests a doctor may recommend?? are you taking any allopathic meds that could have weight gain as a side effect? I think a longer fast can help but if you're thinking about 30 days you should do it in a centre when they can help you through a fasting
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Wow! $8.90 - how many peanuts do you get in a pack? I pay about 50c equivilant for mine here!! I can say the peanuts should definitely be raw because they sprout pretty easily and fast. The afaltoxin thing is a little worrying so I suppose better to go easy on them...does anyone know if that is denatured by sprouting the peanuts??
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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