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17 years ago
Jen Rose
OMG...I just had this for breakfast and it was so amazing and filling. I loved it so much I had to share. Taste like the best oatmeal ever! 3/4 cup Rolled Oats 2 Tbl Soaked flax seeds 1 medium Granny Smith Apple, cored 1 tsp lemon juice Sauce: 1/3 cup Raisins 1/2 tsp each Cinnamon and Vanilla 1/2 Ripe banana 1 Tbl Hot filtered water (or as needed) Dash of
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
Jen Rose
I really need a Dehydrator and I'm willing to save up for one, but my friend told me about this method of using a work light and a 60 watt light bulb with an extension cord in her oven... Does anyone know how safe this is? I would think bacteria could grow on the food or something. Has anyone done this or know anything about it? Thanks!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
good question - I'd like to know too.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Thanks for the info jono
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
I've noticed that we carry the same food habits that we had when we were on the SAD diet into our Raw if you over ate as a SAD eater you will still over eat even on a raw diet. I can totally relate to this. I think we need to (myself included) stop looking to food as our comfort and step away enough to realize that food is just nurishement and joy. Not something to satiate the spirit
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
I'm looking for something natural but not really oily for under my eyes before I go to bed...any suggestions?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
I have no idea, I use Earthbound Farm... I just measure with a nice sized hand full= one cup it's no biggie if you use more or less spinich.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Yes, in the original post it said you can use carob if you like...I'm going to try that next time since even cocoa had a wierd stimulating effect on me....I don't even bother with cocao it makes me feel like I'm having a heart attack.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Yeah, there are a alot of different opinions because of the billions of different genetic makeups...every one's diet cannot be exactly the same, it depends on your constitution.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Yeah, I felt like I was having a heart attack after eating one of those Maya bars...not for me. Although, the same effect happens with cocoa...I recently made raw brownies for the first time with cocoa and had 2 in one sitting because I had not tasted anything so decadent in a long time....well, I was up till 4 a.m. chugging water because I had heart palpatations....wierd.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Bless you guys for your help...she is sitting with me now reading this and is considering ALL of your advise....THANK YOU!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Hello my friends, I need some advice from all you Raw health experts. My best friend really wants to go Raw but she is struggling with some really weird symptoms. Any advice you could offer would be helpful. She is willing to try anything to get her body in better health. Whenever she eats raw foods here is what she goes through: Kind of like heartburn, heat in her stomach, her entire eso
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Wow...I'm speachless.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
not for this recipe I don't....but you could try it.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Ha ha! of course sweet pea!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
I love this's so frothy and satisfying. 2 handfulls of almonds (or any other nut) 2 bananas drizzle of agave nectar fill half the blender with water garnish with cinnamon
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Sweet. Looking forward to hearing it.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Hilarious!! I was cracking up reading this...thanks for sharing!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
I got this recipe from a girl named Raw Priestess in another forum. She's the queen of coming up with yummy and creative dishes. I have to say, this one is a masterpiece! My life is complete now that I can eat brownies! Brownies 1 cup walnut (unsoaked) 1 cup dates (pitted unsoaked) 1/4 cup cocoa powder (you may use carob if you like) place in food processor, and blend until well bl
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
OMG I made these last night and they were to die for!! I just made up the recipe so all these ingredients are estimated. Ricotta: Soaked almonds, sunflower seeds, and macadamia nuts ground up...just estimate the quantity for the amount of mushroom caps you have. Add 2 minced garlic cloves Splash Raw Soysauce Fresh Thyme Salt and Pepper Any dry spice you like (I added a cayenne blend)
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
How do the parasites get in there in the first place???
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Yeah, when I was transitioning I was craving plain popcorn ALOT as really helped and didn't mess with my digestive system. Highly recommend it to replace chips.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
Jen Rose
That sounds heavenly...
Forum: Classifieds for individuals
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Too bad you're not in FL
Forum: Classifieds for individuals
18 years ago
Jen Rose
Fresh Corn Salad 8 ears of corn shucked (all organic of course) 3/4 cup finely diced red onion (about 1 onion) 5 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar 5 Tbsp. olive oil 3/4 tsp. salt Freshly ground black pepper 3/4 cup thinly sliced fresh basil leaves Toss all the items together in a bowl... Bam! Very different tasting and filling...I liked it.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
18 years ago
Jen Rose
I got this info from another Raw site: Baby Soft Coconut Facial Lots of people think they have combination skin -- rough and dry on cheeks, chin or forehead accompanied by an oily nose ( sometimes parts of the forehead or chin are also oily) and enlarged or clogged pores. This type of skin is very often perfectly normal skin that's been irritated by soap and other harsh commercial products. O
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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