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Results 871 - 900 of 986
14 years ago
coco Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > have to say, at the end of my rope with an > incessantly crying baby my first time round i was > darn glad to have a pacifier to give him. he was a > non-sleeping, non-stop screamer and he wanted to > suck all the time, and i do mean All The Time. > without that little rubber mother i would never >
Forum: Other Health Related
15 years ago
Those plugs they stick into babies' mouths are just repulsive! People will send me pictures of their grandchildren and half the face is obscured with those ugly things, and no one seems to think, ", isn't something wrong here?"
Forum: Other Health Related
15 years ago
You are all correct. I nursed mine till the age of 3 years + 10 months. He just stopped wanting it. For the last year, he would nurse maybe once or twice per day and some days not at all. He is now in his late teens and does not seem to have any breast-related issues any more than a child would have issues about anything else he or she did when very young, so long as he expressed no desire fo
Forum: Other Health Related
15 years ago
Hi. Item #3 on this page: Also, I recall reading an interview with a practitioner of Chinese Trad. medicine that seaweeds have a socalled cold energy that makes it indigestible if taken in large quantities. Oh, now I remember, the Dr. was Shasta Tierra, and the interviewer was Mary Shomon of thyroid fame. Hope this is helpful. Possibly the person dissing potassium iodide wants to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I read that even seaweed contains iodine in a form not easily digested by all persons, i.e., potassium iodide. Apparently some people should not take a potassium iodide supplement, nor should they eat large quantities of seaweed. The lack of digestibility supposedly causes severe rebound hypothyroid symptoms where you are worse off than what you were prior to supplementation.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
coco Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > it's interesting how many people are developing > sensitivities to foods that have been eaten for > years. i really do think that issues like toxins > and vaccines play a role in our body's ability to > deal with challenges. of course no one is really > studying this or talking about it on a large >
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
15 years ago
Isn't Dentyne Ice Gum loaded with aspartame, a brainkiller? It is almost impossible to find sugar-onlygum & candy anymore.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
You need salt. I do not know why you crave tomatoes, but you need salt. If you wish to avoid salt, you might want to take an iodine supplement.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Dvdai, that is a beautiful photo of a Shaggy Mane mushroom. I hope you weren't implying that one would die from eating those. They are edible - cooked, though. Which doesn't mean they would kill you raw, of course. They just wouldn't be very appetizing.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Wienerhead almost sounds like a compliment. I'd have much better words for the likes of your ex! But they are impolite.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
15 years ago
Re thyroid tests. They can come back telling you your thyroid is okay, when it isn't. I have read plenty of information to the effect that our bodies need far more iodine than they get, even from iodized salt. There is a supplement called Iodoral which they say nourishes the thyroid, as well as other body parts, quite spectacularly.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Beckyann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My favorite (and I don't know the source): > > "God always gives His best to those who leave the > choice with Him." I believe that that is from The Weaver. The rest of it goes like this: My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me; I cannot choose the colors He worketh steadily.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
15 years ago
Re the green superfood powder: what proof does the manufacturer provide that the contents were all grown on heavily mineralized soil? You are absolutely correct that "organically grown" means nothing except that artificial fertilizers and pesticides were not used. That is not enough. Soil remineralization is the way to go, organic growing or not. A bit of pesticide used on mi
Forum: Other Health Related
15 years ago
Glad to hear that the Earth shoes are suitable for you, too! I need to hear this from lots of folks if I am going to buy some for myself, as $$$ is hard to come by for me. Thanks.
Forum: Other Health Related
15 years ago
Good for you that you obey your body's messages, and your instincts. I do, also. Winter = lotsa cooked. Summer - mostly raw. Spring + Fall - as necessary. And raw when it's indicated regardless of season!
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
15 years ago
Good point, "frances". There is an inherently warm quality to some foods, eg, shrimp, garlic, cilantro; and then there is the socalled "energetic chill" imposed on foods by their temperature, as opposed to the inherently warm quality. It is my understanding that consuming a food with a warming quality straight from the refrigerator is also not good for you, as it cools off
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Why not follow the herbalist's advice whole hog, warming foods + warming herbs + no fruit, etc., and then when you are feeling well, try your raw food diet again? There is no harm in trying this. I don't do 100% raw foods and don't feel like there is something "wrong" with me because of it. Were you not given any herbs by that Chinese herbalist? Sure hope so; they, as you know, are
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Your constant hunger means that your food is not giving the baby + you what you need. Your diet sounds mighty deficient for a pregnant woman, especially in protein. First thing, if you want to have a healthy baby and it's not too late - go get a bottle of DHA (neuromins), and take it. 2nd thing: eat lots of nutrient-rich food even if it means dairy or egg or meat, tho you may not crave
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I think that the white spots on the fingernails indicate zinc deficiency. It can be actual zinc deficiency, or adequate zinc intake decreased by consumption of its antagonists, such as sugar, copper, etc.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I appreciate the trouble you took to list your food intake & nutrient breakdown; thank you very much. This seaweed laver - how do you prepare it to make it tasty? Is laver the same thing as nori?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Well, I thought I consumed a lot of magnesium, also. However, I am middle aged and we are, for some reason, or so the experts say, highly needy of more magnesium than the average person. Just like vitamin E - at this age the needs skyrocket. Something to do with the glands. 900 mg is a lot of magnesium by today's standards, isn't it - may I ask what foods you ate to get those 1300 calories?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Thank you for the good advice, RawSun. I did not know that carob was high in Ca. A couple years ago somebody gave me a goodsized bag of those little nibs and boy, they were just right for me! Never enjoyed anything so much.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Ah, Jodi, you are quite the little joker, aren't you?!? Thanks for your trouble. It is not clear to me if is in N. America or in England. If it is in England, the postage on any orders would make it impossible to buy from them. Their nibs do sound very nice, tho. I am middle aged female & think I am magnesium deficient. Apparently, most of us women are!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Hi. Does anyone have the above information? I seem unable to find it on the internet, though I will admit I looked thru only about 100 results.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Glad you're on the same page as me, Jodi, regarding the destruction of buildings. Gehry's ugly art gallery in Bilbao, Spain is #1 on my list! It is a P.O.S. of the highest order. Fire up them wrecking balls.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
15 years ago
Okay with me if someone has the tenacity to teach a cat something like that - or anything, really. They have a mind of their own, as you all know. And now Tessa gets only the best food. Tit for tat...
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
15 years ago
Hope you are consuming plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids. Vegan version is available in health food stores. This is so necessary for good brain function. Also, if you felt a desire for sugar you can undo any spiralling-out-of-control just by following it up with a goodsized gob of protein food. Basic science: carbos & protein balance each other. Have too much of one, and your smart body say
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Charcoal is known to suck up substances unwanted by the body.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Just to be on the safe side, I take B12 (liquid - "Complementary Prescriptions" even tho I sometimes eat eggs. I read about folks who think they feel great w/out B12 even though they have been vegan for ages, then, Blammo! - the @#$%& hits the fan, the symptoms become more noticeable, and it is too late. It's not like the stuff is manufactured from cows' hooves or anything.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I would like to try green smoothies but I don't like the fact that blenders brutalize and actually heat the greens. There's no way vitamins can live thru that kind of treatment. So I am going to macerate the greens instead by using the processing function on my oldish Omega juicer and mix with water or juice. I'd like to know if anyone here has prepared green drinks that way.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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