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10 years ago
Mercola has lately jumped on the Perlmutter bandwagon. I recall, not too many years ago, when he was more legit science-based, before all that Sally Fallon, Atkinsy-Paleo malarkey became prevalent. I now think of Mercola as the Anti-Greger, sad to say.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
10 years ago
HH, Hmmmm . . . I think I see what you did there, or is it just my lyin' eyes seeing things?
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
10 years ago
Very interesting, Panchito, and helpful, also: I work in after school daycare, and the number of children diagnosed with gluten sensitivity/wheat sensitivity seems to be growing. Hopefully, research such as this can ultimately harmonize with the common lingo so that gluten sensitivity and wheat sensitivity are truly discrete diagnoses, and people with the former learn to avoid gluten, and peopl
Forum: Other Health Related
10 years ago
I'm doomed, DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED! Thanks for posting, Panchito.
Forum: Other Health Related
10 years ago
Hey, nanners, Where do you get your radishes? I buy the organic ones, from Cal-Organic, I think, or Earthbound, at the Kroger whenever I see them, though I know not why: They seem to have had the zing bred right out of them! I wish I could still find the zippy radishes of yore somewhere. Will check farmers markets later this season, I guess. P.S. "Zippy Radishes of Yore" is
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
SueZ, I have returned to this thread after last participating in it a couple of years ago and am astonished by how you choose to respond to that poster . . . note how NOT antagonistic the thread originally was, even though we weren't all in agreement. Geez, you may not like 80/10/10 or other high carb regimens, but slagging them off isn't what this place is supposed to be about. Disappoi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Not broadly publicized, this. Thanks for posting, Panchito.
Forum: Other Health Related
10 years ago
But will it? Thanks for posting.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
10 years ago
I know that blending cruciferous vegetables only made the goitrogens more bioavailable, and it wasn't until I started supplementing with iodine--while still drinking green juices--that my hampered thyroid recovered. Side note: Hiya, powerlifer! : )
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Really fascinating post, John. Thanks so much for this--like many people my age, I became obsessed with Greek mythology at age ten, and still refer to my Bullfinch's often. This is a unique take on what I thought I knew well; lots to consider. : )
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
THeStOrm, If a food makes me tired, and consistently, I assume this is a sensitivity or the begining stages of allergy, and I avoid that food. I don't think chia and flax have cyanide, and as far as I know, only flax is goitrogenic. If you tolerate flax well, go with that!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
John, are you aware of Adam Frewer, the British gymnast/freerunner? He's 80/10/10 and has become more and more vocal about it. Apparently he's influenced world champ freerunner Tim Shieff to move in that direction, as well. When elite athletes do raw vegan, it gives it more and more credibility.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
swimmer, That fourth one would make The Most Awesome Screensaver in the World! My dog loved wheatgrass juice(going to start growing it again once the summer humidity clears), but I've heard cats aren't so avid. I wonder if your cats drink the juice? I think they prefer it for roughage, but dogs prefer it for the actual chlorophyll?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Just thought someone should chime in with a mention of Tony Wright's work. So there you go : )
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
coco, I used to grow purslane in troughs--like for window boxes--on a bench in my backyard. It can be grown like an herb this way, and is prolific. Just in case, you know, the one you pick from cracks in the sidewalk proves inedible ; ) The Sproutarian Man and John Rose, Lots of interesting things to think about; I try to limit fresh flax to only a few times a week because of its goi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Caveat emptor, I guess.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
It's good for the elderly, or anyone else whose body has learned incorrect postures to compensate for earlier injuries and ailments. Um, reading that back to myself, I guess that qualifies most of us for Feldenkrais, ha-ha! If the class isn't distant, give it a go, KidRaw--you might benefit from it. Good luck
Forum: Other Health Related
11 years ago
Boy, I'm a cynic, but what you all post challenges even my cynicism! The problem with how "health" is assessed and how disease is diagnosed and treated is a matter of a lack of cogent standards of instruction. For example, my current doctor, KidRaw, would have agreed that the formeldahyde was the culprit in your vertigo, because, Duh! Yours didn't. Why? They clearly don't have th
Forum: Other Health Related
11 years ago
As of the last time I checked, those cleaning wipes(or something like them) were available only in Canada. I vowed that the next time I was in Windsor visiting firends, I'd pop over to the nearest Home Hardware or Canadian Tire and get some. Your testimonial seals the deal, coconuts P.S. I should just @#%$ing move to Canada already, grumble-grumble . . .
Forum: Other Health Related
11 years ago
Once again wanna say, awesome, helpful thread, people! So glad you have found a solution, clank
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
arawnut, If this is sudden, maybe you are coming down with a bug or just feeling really run down from work stressors, or something like that. I agree with Prana that simply resting more could help. I also agree with The Sproutarian Man that without knowing more details about your diet and how long you've been doing raw, we are all just guessing. Hope you post back soon!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
So back to the op's purpose, ahem, I think Michael Douglas's "opining" about his oral cancer is nothing more than further proof that celebrity and a sound understanding of human biology do not coincide. Duh
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
clank, Lots of really great suggestions; it's a veritable smorgasbord of advice! Hope you find the answers you need--I myself have found some answers in this thread I wasn't even looking for!--and get into a better frame of mind soon. All best wishes to you, and gratitude to all who posted here
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Agree with RAWLION. I had a period in my life a couple of years ago when I lived on green smoothies for months--yes, even the brutish ones, with nary a calcified stone to show for it--when my schedule forbade leisurely eating. I wouldn't want to do it again, however, as my body and senses seemed to prefer leisurely eating
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
nanners, the hempseed you would have to try; if it's not bitter it should be OK. As for the wheatberries, if you bought them for sprouting or some such use, if they sprout, they are still viable. There's really no way to know how long these things last, as it depends on variety, time of harvest, initial storage conditions, etc. Good luck!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
swimmer, 3D printing living organisms? Let's see if they can make food for astronauts that doesn't cause an outbreak of space barf, first, eh? Also, while I am glad to learn that 3D printing materials are recyclable and recycled, the technology's being "here to stay" rather depends on Endless Petroleum, now doesn't it?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
What a nice post, Linda! Congratulations on your success at this, and well done on trying to help your folks improve their health, too
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
The on-demand medical device use is amazing--and useful. But my worry about these printers since I first saw one demonstrated a few years ago one of those satire news shows on Comedy Central was that this process is unsustainable. I recall watching and thinking, "That's neat. Uh, where does the plastic compound come from, and can it be recycled?" In general, and because it will in
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
11 years ago
Let's. See. What. Happens.
Forum: Other Health Related
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