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6 years ago
Thank you so much!! I love frozen raw English peas... I appreciate your quick reply. I guess i am going to at least give garbanzos a try. So sorry to hear about your experience with black beans! I just got in some lentils from Sprout People I am going to sprout! Love lentil salad and I can't wait to try this.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
6 years ago
Hi! I've been away from raw for quite some time and am transitioning back. I need heavier foods some evenings and want to make hummus and maybe sprouted lentil salads, etc. What is your opinion on eating sprouted raw beans? I read so much conflicting info. I am sure mung beans are ok but I wonder truly about garbanzo and maybe black eye peas.. and black beans? I am doing great with sp
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Good Morning! Thank you so much everyone for your input! Interesting about the Tahini. I bet it IS my body just wanting the calories. I should have mentioned I am overweight.. needing to lose about 75 pounds. I am sure my body is needing/wanting the extra fat and calories. I guess I just wondered what everyone else's experience was when transitioning and I feel more assured I am doing o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
I am on day 5 transitioning to Raw and I can't stop eating nuts and seeds.. I just ate a third of a jar of sesame tahini (I think my body must really need the calcium because I have been craving tahini for days). I guess I just want opinions on using so many nuts/seeds during transiton. What was your experience? I love fruit and am eating lots but I seem to need the heaviness of the nuts/see
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
10 years ago
Hi. I'm new here and pretty new to the Raw food lifestyle. I'm really hoping to find a community I can participate in! I managed to go high Raw last Summer for about 10 weeks. I did well, felt well and lost weight but eventually gave up. I am giving it another go. I've felt really drawn back into Raw emotionally as well as for health and weight loss reasons. Today is day 4. I
Forum: Meeting Place
14 years ago
This is an interesting thread for me right to read right now, I am sure as Prana mentioned I am prob. eating pretty high fat in this transition period. Lots of raw nuts and seed/veggie crackers (dehydrator) and lots of gauc and some raw cacao stuff. I do hope to move into less fat and think over the last few days I am craving more fruit (for longer in the day) and less nuts. Hopefully my b
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
la_veronique, I agree, I am so in love with red bell peppers right now I think I could eat them for eternity. Oh and we just cut open a papaya from heaven I think. I can't believe how good this wonderful thing is! Luscious.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Banana Who, I am SO FAR from really knowing what I am doing! Also I have only been 100% the last two weeks. I started transitioning on the first week. I still have so much to learn but I am reading voraciously. I guess the only thing that I can offer is that I believe in my heart this is the way we are supposed to eat, and I see others that do this successfully and I have faith in myself t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Update in my Raw detox. Yes I have continued just have not had much time to post for the last week but I've been thinking about all of you!.. Today is day 22. I have felt HORRID the last four nights in a row, it seems like as the night comes I get really ill. Headache so bad I would compare it to a migraine, nausea, sinus yuck I just have to get down and go with it (I have not had much o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Thank you for all these! I just got my live food factor in (huge book! Biblical proportions!) I am really enjoying reading the stories in chapter 2 (so far). I have Becoming Raw on order also. Anyone have an recommendations that are books about personal changes in Raw health or weightloss?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
CJJ, I love your thinking on cravings "craving sweet, my body needs vitamins (fruit). If I'm craving salty, my body needs minerals (greens)." That really resonates with me! Rawgosia, I have watched you on Youtube! I just had a nice green smoothie for lunch along with some crackers from my dehydrator. I was VERY hungry and this really did the trick! I used a banana and kale an
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I am very new (3 weeks in -High Raw) but I am doing well. I wanted to comment that I know many raw foodist don't use a dehydrator or feel a need for it but having mine has really helped my transition. I find myself making wraps (for huge veggie sandwiches) and cracker bread and recently used it to make marinated portobello steaks that were so good I could hardly believe it. I hope th
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Well I was so excited yesterday to get my 5# of raw almonds in that I instantly soaked them and now they have had their first rinse and I am afraid I can't think of a thing to do with them. I am brand new to Raw and my mind is blank. My books I have say they will need to be eaten W/I two days and my mind is blank as to what to do with them. I was thinking making almond butter but what do you D
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
14 years ago
Hi! Thank you for the posts. Vinny, I am brand new to Raw. I tried for a while last summer after reading 80/10/10 but didn't really reach out for support and was hit hard by so many changes and frustrations that I gave in. I need feedback and support and I know it now. I am going to try my best to post every day for the first 6 weeks.. even if I am having a great day.. or maybe espe
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Coco, Yum.. I love the idea of the neatballs. I think having a good supply of these concentrated foods and maybe wraps for veggie sandwiches will help! I just put in some nuts/seeds to soak. I think I will add sundried tomato. Wonder about raw garlic in these too. Thank you again.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hi Gilmore girl. I just wanted to thank you for your helpful post. I guess emergency was not the best word, and maybe some of you don't remember or never had issues with food, I sure do. I struggle every day. I have had binge eating problems for several years and have really learned that being prepared helps, thus wondering what some of you did when you first started to keep the fo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
BackAgain, Craving for heavy foods for me is foods that are dense, literally heavy (as in filling), fatty, cooked, rich, etc.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I have read her book. I need a kinder, gentler approach to my food and lifestyle. I have put myself down and talked to myself the way they do in their book quite enough over my lifetime. In all honesty it sounds like some of the talk I have seen on Pro-Ana sites. It was a turn off for me.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Well it's day 8 today!!. I have been as high raw as I could (at least 75% and most days as close to 100% as I can). Saturday for lunch I ate sushi (pretty much all cooked) on an outing with my family and it was the first chosen cooked food meal I ate all week (I say 75% because I am eating allot of nuts and my truly raw nuts have not come in yet). I am SO hungry! I find that the only th
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Ahhh DR.. So you are the 30 bananas a day dude! I was on your site yesterday. God some day I hope to actually EAT more than one banana a day. I am so afraid of fruit!.. (working on it though).
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hunter... I just have to say... Dayum. *blush*.. looking good.
Forum: Success Stories
14 years ago
RawLion! Wow, I so loved reading your story. Especially where you said "I'd love to help anyone who may not have the faith to go 100% raw. There is nothing to fear my friends, in fact, you should be deathly fearful of NOT GOING 100% !!! " This is how I want to feel. I am only on day 5. Thank you for posting your pix too... Wow, just wow. You are amazing.
Forum: Success Stories
14 years ago
Thank you, I do want to have some dehydrated fruits and veggies maybe stocked in the freezer even (beats cooked IMO) and Chia I am really interested in as I have never used it. The chia tapioca sounds interesting! I love lemon anything so I will be trying the your pudding also.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I want to plan ahead and have ideas (and maybe even supplies), recipes etc. that I can turn to when I am having a heavy cooked food craving. I know I can eat cooked food if I really want to but I want to have ideas for raw that I can use instead. I have found the idea of doing several veggies in a nama shoyu and herb/garlic marinate and using the dehydrator to warm them for a few hours an
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I was just this morning reading about how to make chia tapioca.. would something along that line be good for your gel?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Utopian life, That is a good point. I think my pre-occupation with "what did our ancestors REALLY eat" comes from previous many months of low carb programming. Its pushed very much in LC circles that it's what our ancestors did.. ie: paleo, primal blueprint, etc. I have heard it so much I still think along those lines and am curious about it still. I do know that I am drawn to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I am dealing with the same issues. I kept my candida at bay with a very low carb diet for the last 7 months (Atkins) and just could not do it anymore. All the fat and meat felt WRONG for my physiology. I am used to a very large breakfast and medium lunch and very small dinner. Right now I am having veggie/seed/nut crackers (made in my dehydrator) with avo, tomato, raw garlic and onion m
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Eaglefly.. (((hugs))) Dude, I am new here but wish you healing as well. Sounds like lifes been a b*tch lately? Just remember this too shall pass. I wish I something more profound to say to you *smile* Jgunn, Dry brushing is a great idea.. I used to do it, still have my brush somewhere.. ooo even thinking about it feels good. Tamukha and Flipperjan, aww.. thanks for the kind wo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hi BackAgain, Interesting that you mention the lemon and agave fast. (much like the Master cleanse I think). I actually did that last year to help my candida. I could only make it 7 days but it really cleared it up. Thanks for the site.. gonna check it out. flipperjan, Absolutely, I am right with you on that. I want to learn as much as I can and I have a very open mind, but I ce
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Thank you flibberjan. I actually have that book on my list. Buying one every week from Amazon. I so WANT to be able to eat fruit but because of my past candida issues I am really afraid of it. Right now I am sticking to Apples and berries only.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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