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Results 91 - 120 of 175
16 years ago
the enchantress
Anyone have a recipe for nut-free frosting? I REALLY want to make that carrot cake islandgirl posted; I can just sub sunflower seeds for the walnuts in the cake, probably, but they won't blend up as smoothly as cashews in the topping part.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
16 years ago
the enchantress
I recommend visiting This woman is a raw vegan POWERHOUSE - she's a dancer and has been eating raw for I think 5 years now. She addresses the weight issue in her forums, and also provides articles, interviews, and links on raw food athletes. You can even get in touch with her personally - she's very helpful and informative. Anyway, check it out.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
Haha...oh, those Robson Starbucks'. Cracks me up. I think we need to start a separate thread here!
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
Well, yes, there is a Capers there, but there's gonna be a Whole Foods as well. Don't know what that means for poor Capers, but we'll see...
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
I'm glad you discovered what makes you feel good, but this is a VEGAN forum, remember.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
The one on Cambie and Broadway, you mean? No they're still doing construction. the opening is planned for next November . The West Van one is alive and kickin', though.
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
Does anyone have a good recipe for sea asparagus (aka sea beans)?
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
the enchantress
I did it! Here's me about a year ago with the black hair, a year and a half with the red...and I'm now a blond . Yes, my hair colour does change often.
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
Bronwynsun, where in Vancouver are you from? I'm in Marpole (near Richmond)...I would LOVE to meet you in person, if you're up for it! I work at Whole Foods in West Van...if you're ever around there, come and say hi! Now, to figure out how to post a pic...
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
Do you compost? I had a really bad problem with fruit flies, and I had a worm composter going outside - but I keep my windows open...they don't have screens on them. As soon as I got rid of my composter, the flies disappeared. My guess is that even though the compost was at the opposite end of the house relative to the kitchen, they were sneaking in through the window. I also recommend washing
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
You're welcome! It's hard to say how long I've been's been a looooong transition over about a year and a bit. I know I've been about 95% raw for a few months now, but I considered myself raw a few months before that.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
I'm allergic to nuts and sesame. I use a lot of hemp and sunflower seeds, both of which make yummy milks and pates. Avocadoes do the trick as well if you're wanting something fatty and filling.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
Sometimes I find that I feel physically full after eating, but I'll still want more food. Anybody else experience this? Maybe it's emotional?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
Protein!!! From my experience, I would suggest starting the day with a hemp protein smoothie...they really get me off to a good start and help carry me through the day. You hardly notice the hemp (though I like the taste). I experimented for a few days eating just fruit and veggies, little to no added protein (seeds, etc.) because that's all I felt like eating, and by the end of my work day I was
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
I think I know what you mean. In the winter, I was eating two large salads a day with 1/2 an avocado each, followed by fruit, desiring more filling things as well as more greens(also could have been due to transitioning to raw). As soon as the weather started warming up, I would make my usual salads and discover I really didn't feel like eating them. I found myself craving fruit, just fruit. It t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
Yes!!! You can. I am also allergic to tree nuts and soy, as well as sesame, and I am doing very well on raw. I was initially worried about this issue too, but quickly discovered it isn't an issue at all! Many raw foodists don't eat nuts anyway, regardless of whether or not they're allergic, for a variety of reasons (not "natural" to eat them, cause indigestion, etc.). I rely mostly on h
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
For those of you on the Meeting Place forum list who are from the Vancouver area: there is a raw potluck happening in East Van this Sunday, June 24. It's at 3472 East Pender St, pretty much right across from Playland. Starts at 6pm, ends around 9pm. For more info, call 604-291-0411 or visit I'm going...hope to see you there!
Forum: Raw and Living Food Events
17 years ago
the enchantress
Okay, so it's not exactly a revolutionary combo, but I just had to share my excitement : banana, LOCAL organic strawberries, kale, and hemp protein. WOW. I feel superhuman!!! My only regret is drinking it before bed - now I'm not sleepy!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
the enchantress
I've never had a problem eating in restaurants. Usually I'll just bring an avocado with me, maybe a piece of fruit, and just ask for a large salad of whatever different veggies they have on hand with some olive oil or salsa for the dressing. A lot of places now have avo somewhere on the menu anyway, so you don't even need to worry about that! Some of the best salads I've had have been in unexpect
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
The brand I like best is called Mum's; I find it's the least grainy. Mum's also makes hemp/greens and a hemp/flax/something else types too. Other brands are Manitoba Harvest (makes chocolate and vanilla spice flavours too) and Living Harvest, along with some other flavoured brands. Plain, it tastes like the hemp seed itself, and if you haven't had that, the seed is like a nut, but just a little s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
The potluck was fantastic!!! About 10 people came (all of whom were from the Vancouver area), which was apparently a great turnout; Karen, the host, said it hadn't been so well attended lately. She also said that she's moving to California in the near future, so the potlucks obviously won't be happening for much you should try and make it out for sure! At least the Kits beach ones wil
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
I LOVE this stuff!!! So many people say that "the protein in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables is all I need," but I personally find that's not enough. On an ideal day, I'll get about six scoops of hemp protein in, in the form of a green smoothie. I feel much more clear and grounded when I take it. It's even better in combo with flax!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
Okay, so this isn't a recipe, but I find that dulse or nori really helpsI think it's the saltiness that does it.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
the enchantress
Has anyone tried blending raw carrots in the Vitamix (for soups)? All the recipes I've seen for carrot soup use just the juice, so I was wondering if the texture is too grainy or something when using the whole carrot. I HATE cleaning that damn juicer and I also like the benefits of using the whole food rather than losing what's in the pulp, so using one appliance is definitely preferable. Thanks!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
the enchantress
I just found out that you can, apparently, use a regular centrifugal juicer (like a Breville, or a Waring Pro) to make raw ice cream! I was told that you shove the frozen fruit in there just like you would for juice, but instead of juice coming out the spout, the ice cream just collects in the part where the pulp does and you scrape it out of there. I haven;t tried it yet, but I highly intend to!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
the enchantress
Get a Venus flytrap! Seriously...I'm thinking of getting one myself. If you can find 'em at a plant store around you, one might be helpful. Also, make sure the produce you keep outside of the fridge is not cut open or peeled or rotting in any way; the flies wanna get at the insides, and the peel is part of what keeps them out! I always have unopened fruit out on the table, and the only area I fin
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
If you fellow Vancouverites are interested, there is a raw potluck TONIGHT in East Vancouver...check for the details. I'm going...hope to meet you all in person!
Forum: Meeting Place
17 years ago
the enchantress
Okay, so I'm fashionably late... Obviously I didn't officially begin the 7-week challenge with you all, but I have been aiming to be as raw as possible for at least that long and have been checking in to this thread for a while as well. So I'm gonna go ahead and invite myself in. Hi! What prompted me to jump in was an experience I had this morning. I woke up and felt hungry, but I couldn't
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
the enchantress
Okay, this one kicks ass! Chop the kale (remove the rib), then throw in some avocado, some tomatoes (I like the baby grape ones), hemp seed, lots of lemon juice, and a sprinkle of salt and cayenne pepper; a bit of garlic is good too. Then mush it all together with a fork (or your hands!), kneading it so the kale wilts and everything is well-mixed. Leave it to sit for a few minutes if you want it
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
17 years ago
the enchantress
In no particular order: SPIRULINA!, lacinato kale, hemp seeds/protein powder, flax oil, wheatgrass juice, dates, cucumber, avocado, papaya, Manna bread, and any seasonal local produce!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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