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15 years ago
Just brushed with bentonite clay. I love the way it makes my teeth feel!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Thanks for the input everyone. The bentonite clay and Sangre de Drago etc sounds worth a try ROIRRAW. Sharrhan, I do eat a good amount of greens most every day but I am still getting some etching near the gumline on some teeth. I do rinse most of the time but that's only been recently since I noticed it happening, otherwise my teeth have always been good. I gather brushing shortly after eating ac
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Its been over 2 1/2 years I've been eating high raw, lots of fruit, I love oranges and eat them every day. My gums are receding a bit more than usual recently and I'm concerned and don't want to end up in trouble. I've heard people mention a waterpik. I floss every day and brush twice a day. Will a waterpik help? Any other suggestions?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Your articles are excellent, thanks.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Do see this article on Doug Grahams site Food and Sport
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
<<It blows my mind that with all the information out there so many people have no idea of the relation between what we eat and our health.>>
And that includes the doctors! Family thinks I'm wierd for not going to doctors anymore (I would go if I had a broken limb or something of course).
The last specialist I saw a couple of years ago, I was raw for about a year a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I would not have made it without green smoothies. They don't neccesarily fill you up but fill you with readily availble nutrients.
Learn to make a meal of your favourite fruit. I eat 6 - 7 bananas for lunch most every day. You have to stay on top of your hunger or you will cave and eat foods you shouldn't and this will give you strong cravings for more bread/crackers/rice/salt and make it ver
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Since switching to a raw diet I have never felt the slightest twinge of asthma, and I was told by an asthma specialist about 4 -5 yrs ago I would need inhalers for the rest of my life. I can run in winter on the coldest days and feel fantastic - which was not the case in years past.
Also, meditation and working with fear also helped greatly I think, but being raw gives me the energy
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Always remember cooked food is very addictive. You are in withdrawal.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
10. Re: dried fruits
I eat a lot of dried (soft) figs. Fresh is always better though. Important to clean your teeth after every meal of dried fruit.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Congratulations on the new baby!
I would ask Jingee any questions you may have related to recovery from birth/pregnancy.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Most of my meditation is done in the early morning before anyone is up like at 5:30 am or else the day's momentum can prevent it from happening at all.
Being raw makes getting up at 5:00 or earlier practically effortless. I would not get nearly as much out of meditation without being raw.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
When I eat something at night that I regret the next morning and start to kick myself I remind myself I'm still eating WAY better than anyone I know - and I mustn't let myself get too absorbed over something so relatively trivial i.e compared to the millions who are very grateful for a small bowl of rice in their day to stave off starvation.
Above all, recognition that my attitiudes/
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Was looking at wrap recipes made with Nori. Does anyone have a favourite that's not to high in fat or even one made with a bit of fruit?
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 16 years ago
In the beginning, I thought I'd discovered the fountain of youth with raw (and still feel that way). I was thinking/reading about raw day and night. Maybe I was orthorexic?
But I don't believe I do this to control how/when I'll die. I do it because I am getting a LOT more out of my life for whatever time that remains and equally if not more so because I cannot be a part of the suffering caused
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
A friend of my mother's saw the show and visited my mother and told her about it.
Now I'm getting the same old "have you eaten today?" (in spite of my huge grocery bills). Just when I thought I was out of the woods.
My mother's friend did leave me a big box of pears from her tree though so I forgive her though.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
I am 5'7" and was as low as 104 lbs. a year ago. My sisters and Mom were really worried about me. It was the hardest thing about being raw, people thinking I was anorexic or something. I was always a big eater and never gained weight but the raw diet made me thin.
But I can't argue with how I feel. I have put on a bit of weight since then but my confidence in this way of eating i
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
You always get a roadblock in your life when you try to do something you feel deep inside is the right thing.
One meal a week isn't too bad. I would avoid arguing with them until you can backup your raw experience with good articles which you will come across if you keep coming to this forum.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Watermelon is mostly bland in Toronto too. Have seen some organic ones and may treat myself at $10.99 or more for a mid size ouch.
I have found nectarines awful this year or is it too early yet? The bigger and sexier they look the less they have any scent or flavour. They just do not ripen. Haven't been able to find a canteloupe that was ripe either. By the time they feel soft enoug
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
I will try that if I can find a balsalmic vinegar without sulphates in it.
Last night I had a tasty salad made with a base of ripe papaya chunks, orange peppers, raw corn, cherry tomatoes and a little avocado, garlic and Namu Shoyu and lots of lemon juice. It was a bit of everthing I had left and it was pertty good.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 16 years ago
How are you with raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds or coconut meat?
I love sesame seeds, make raw halva out of them, both the white and black. Raw tahini can be used too as a binder or in salad dressings instead of nuts.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 16 years ago
Pace yourself, think transition. This is not easy but the health results are real. I am 53 and feel better than ever after almost a couple of years. The pain and stiffness was the first thing to go. I feel like the clock has turned backwards and you will too. Green smoothies are a good staple to start with.
Come back here often for motivation.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Spirited opinionated people who feel they can say whatever they want to you are very hard to deal with. I have a similar situation with my mother. I find though that when I create a solid honest boundary - like I WILL NOT discuss my eating habits beyond a nod or two, let some time pass and gently change the subject the problem goes away.
Eventually if you don't argue or defend they will give
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
24. Re: for DMZ
Would you argue with a raindrop?"
~ Byron Katie ~
fresh, thank you, am going to Google Byron Katie right now.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Your enthusiasm for raw food is deep and strong. You will certainly thrive and inspire many others. Your many made-with-love food pics have lifted me many times. Thanks dancerinthenight!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
People always worry when we get "the runs" but isn't that a form of detox? I had them a fair bit in the first year and still occasionally get them, fat can make them worse, even the fat I ate the night before.
It takes time to heal a lifetime of SAD eating. More time, more healing.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
I get caught hungry sometimes too and I don't have anything good to eat so I will eat something restaurant cooked or processed and tell myself it's just a treat. I try not to get to upset about it though I pay the price the next morning and have to battle back the cravings for something salty.
I tend to forget how addictive cooked food is and what a slippery slope I'm on when I'm just gonna
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Here's something I came across about an apple cider vinegar rinse after you bathe your dog. I will try this this summer.
"Then sponge on ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) diluted with equal amounts of warm water and allow your dog to drip dry. The fleas drown in soapy water and the ACV rinse makes the skin more acidic to help prevent flees from returning. If your dog often picks up fleas wh
Forum: Raw Foods for Pets and Animals 16 years ago
Golden (yellow) kiwi's!
I wonder how many I could eat in one sitting? Will have 12 again for lunch today. Oink oink!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 16 years ago
Letting go is one of the hardest things to do but the one that grows you the most. Love yourself instead.
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